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Air Blower

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I'll start by asking if anyone here has ever tried this juice?

This one my first ADV after I got into mechs and dripping and it's an awesome vape for those times when everything else tastes like crap. My foray into diy was due to the facts that I was spending too much on JS and because it was bloody hard to find at the time since there were only 2-3 B&M's around me and only one carried Juggy's juices.

After looking high and low I found a few posts on various forums where people had nailed down the notes of this juice which is one of those things you vape and go WTF? but come to love.

I purchased my first flavours with cloning JS as my priority. This is the recipe I came up with and am wondering if any others familiar with JS would like to try it to see if it's as close as I remember (haven't bought it for years!).


2% Cotton Candy (Circus) TFA
2% Smooth TFA
1-2 drops Menthol/30ml

If you had it please let me know what you think and what changes may bring it closer to the original as that would make me very :bliss:.

Air Blower

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I should have included a bit of a description.

The cotton candy is very mild but it's definitely there and after steeping for a couple weeks there's a slight malty/woody flavour that comes out. I'm convinced that flavour is TFA Smooth but could be would not be the first time (just ask my wife).

Air Blower

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No Canadian diyer's out

Back bacon?

Maple syrup?

Sgt. Preston's dog King?


I'z da bia who builds the boat and I'z da bia who sails 'er!


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Well, I've never been to Canadia but I remember Yukon King. :)

Oh, about that liquid. 'Sounds like it's asking, nay, begging for EM, which is a slightly-sweet ingredient and the only one in Cotton Candy (not the Circus variety). It's also the only flavoring in the e-liquid called 'Malty' (see where this is going here?). While not familiar with this e-liquid, from your description, I dunno what menthol is doing in there but I have an aversion which I'm certain creates prejudice. :D

Air Blower

Bronze Contributor
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Well, I've never been to Canadia but I remember Yukon King. :)

Oh, about that liquid. 'Sounds like it's asking, nay, begging for EM, which is a slightly-sweet ingredient and the only one in Cotton Candy (not the Circus variety). It's also the only flavoring in the e-liquid called 'Malty' (see where this is going here?). While not familiar with this e-liquid, from your description, I dunno what menthol is doing in there but I have an aversion which I'm certain creates prejudice. :D

You're right, the CC is FW not TFA and it's just CC no additional C:)

The flavours are right, I'm sure of it! Just not convinced the ratios are dead on.

Doesn't taste like a menthol vape, more like a bit of Koolada on the exhale. It's a nice palate cleanser and he made a version with just a hint of lemon so I'm going to try a bit of Lemon Sicily to see if I can clone that one too:p

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