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Just Want To Say Thanks


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I'm sorta new to vaping but not. I did it back in 2012-13 for a while, even stopped smoking for about 6 months but alas I fell back into the trap. I know where I messed up, putting my nicotine intake on a time table and sticking to it even though my body and mind were saying don't drop again. Dropping from 18-12 just took care of itself when I wasn't sleeping or eating because I wasn't tired or hungry. A twitching below my eyes was the final clue I needed to cut down. Going from 12-6 was not hard to do BUT I gave myself a month and dropped to 3mg nicotine. I should've noticed I had started chain vaping but I was intent on dropping to 0 in another month. Within 2 weeks of being at 0 I was back on smokes and had over $100 worth of juice, 2 MVP2s, 2 vv3s , at least a dozen tanks from evods to iclear 30s going to waste.
I started vaping again in late September of this year and am back down to 2 cigarettes a day (morning coffee) as I figure out how to use this new fangled stuff called box mods,rdas and temp control. I've got an iStick 40wtc I use ego1 tanks with titanium coils and an iStick 100w I use for emow tanks ,a Lush rda and a Mad Hatter rda. I keep an emow filled with 12mg nicotine pomegranate flavor in a 50/50 mix for "emergency" heavy doses of nicotine. Usually 2 hits and I'm good. In my ego1s I keep 6mg in a 70vg/30pg mix and for my drippers I'm using 3mg in the same ratio.
My biggest frustration now isn't wanting cigarettes but wanting to be able to wick a dab burn coil worth a hoot. I skipped all the build stuff the last go around but this time I found a local vape shop where the owner and employees have taken me under their wing and have helped me get over the intimidation of mods and building coils. Before I used to make my own wicks, using cotton ball and/cotton yarn for the evods, iclears and T2s. It's funny how I could correctly coi wick a coil so small I could barely see it with my readers but the 3.5mm I'm wrapping myself is kicking my butt.
I've been lurking this forum for a bit and I joined to say thank you. The biggest thing I've noticed is no discernible elitism . That is so refreshing over the other vaping forum I've been a member of for a long time. It's like you guys/gals care about newbs and dummies(like me) more than showing off the latest craze and new acronym to add to the secret vaping language that I'm not supposed to ask what it means .
Maybe one day I'll get into octa coils that are shaped like that naked woman on the trucker mud flaps but for now it's about smoking cessation and not blowing anything up or burning anything down while I learn thus stuff. Btw, Google search doesn't even know what "sqonking" is, fwiw . The owner of the vape shop I mentioned above answered what it was for me today when I was there buying some new 18650s and a charger and asked.
Again thanks for all y'all are doing!

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