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kanger subtank rba mod


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So i was having really good results with my new kanger subtank plus with the rba coil in place. I went 4 days with no real dry hits, great flavor and clouds. However i was not able to push the watts past 22 without risk of a slight dry hit. I felt there was more it should be able to handle. So i went ahead and did the juice hole mod, opening up the juice holes with a dremel tool. Totally worth the 5 minutes it took to do. I can now push the watts to 25 and chain vape without any dry hits and flavor is awsome with tons of smoke. I am using 30/70 juice and feel it could take a higher vg no problem. Anyone looking to get the most out of their kanger min or plus this mod is a must. The mini rba rocks i dont dare push the occ coils past 20 watts, i normally run them at 18 watts. Happy vaping.


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Yeah I have no idea what kinda of juice they used to support their 30W claim on the .5 OCC heads, like you anything over 22 watts and I get burnt hits! I've never bothered with the RBA head though as if I'm going to build I'll use the Lemo. Granted the ST is much better looking than a lemo - but that doesn't do anything for me. :)


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Yeah I have no idea what kinda of juice they used to support their 30W claim on the .5 OCC heads, like you anything over 22 watts and I get burnt hits! I've never bothered with the RBA head though as if I'm going to build I'll use the Lemo. Granted the ST is much better looking than a lemo - but that doesn't do anything for me. :)

Much better to use the RBA than the OCC heads on these. I never buy anything where I have to keep buying coils!


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I run two ST and I bought a pack of coils and I've only used 3 out of the 9 total.
the first coil lasted almost two weeks @25w before dry hitting.
the second one lasted 1 tank.
The third was the first coil out of the pack and tasted horrible right off the rip.
I pulled all 3 apart for a rebuild and found that all of the cotton was way too tight.
I rebuilt the first as a vertical parallel 24g @ .5ohm
It barely fits between the coil base and chimney and theres a bit of ramp up but I can run it up to 78w before it gets to be a bit warm for my liking. Pretty good flavor to boot.
Kanger Subtank can not use the Watt over 30w, or it will burn the coil.Keep it under 20w,it will be good.:)


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After modification i can run it at 23w and chain vape hube clouds with no issues.


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Any chance you remember what diameter bit you used, or possibly have pics. I've heard of a lot of people making this modification and I'm seriously starting to consider it. I got so fed up with the RBA that I just quit using it for a while and stuck with the OCC. I love the tank, but I was getting dry hits with 30/70 at only 15 watts. I'm currently trying one more wicking method and I'll see how many tanks I can get through before I dry hit. I don't think I've gotten past 1 yet


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Do any of you get juice when take a hit,thinking I have a rba leak


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Do any of you get juice when take a hit,thinking I have a rba leak

I've never had a leak. I'd double check that A) you're using enough wick and not flooding it and B) the o-ring in the top cap of thr RBA is properly in place


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Any chance you remember what diameter bit you used, or possibly have pics. I've heard of a lot of people making this modification and I'm seriously starting to consider it. I got so fed up with the RBA that I just quit using it for a while and stuck with the OCC. I love the tank, but I was getting dry hits with 30/70 at only 15 watts. I'm currently trying one more wicking method and I'll see how many tanks I can get through before I dry hit. I don't think I've gotten past 1 yet
I used the little red colored dremel cut off disc to grind oped the holes on th3 base a little more i will try to take same pics next time have the mini rba off. Im using the same vg pg you are and stock the rba worked well for me up to 22w, the occ coils i can push past 20 for long without risk of a dry hit.


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I used the little red colored dremel cut off disc to grind oped the holes on th3 base a little more i will try to take same pics next time have the mini rba off. Im using the same vg pg you are and stock the rba worked well for me up to 22w, the occ coils i can push past 20 for long without risk of a dry hit.
A pic would be great. I almost want to buy an extra RBA and see if I can drill a hole through it like the OCC coils have.

I used the RBA for a full tank today. I used sort of a hybrid wicking (pancaked, but with each side snipped into a Y. Made it through the whole tank without issue. I would have went longer but I already had a wet OCC so I figured I may as well use it first


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Sorry my camera wont give a clear enough pic to post up. Google mini rba modification and want the youtube vids on it. All i did was open up the juice holes a little.

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