@Durandal_Curry and welcome to VU!

I am going to go out on a limb and assume you're new to rebuilding and so I have a few questions to ask you to make sure you're ready to even dive into rebuilding...think of it as a safety check list.... Do you have an ohm's checker box or a good multimeter to make sure you can check your resistance and that your screws are tight to the RDA or the pin is tight in a clearo coil if you're rebuilding that and it's not shorting out or the resistance is not jumping all over the place? Do you have the proper high continuous amp drain batteries that are rated to handle you're target resistance and a proper charger for them like an Efest LUC series or an Xtar or something better like a Pila? If the answer is no to any of these questions you need to get these things before you worry about getting wire....crap batteries or a crap charger for them isn't safe and building without an ohm's reader is even more dangerous as well.
If the answer is yes to all of the questions above than the best places to get Kanthal is from Tempco or Lightening Vapes....Tempco is more exspensive but is all American made....you're paying for that...both places have good kanthal and in my opinion they're the best place to get the wire we need from. Here's the links to both of them.
http://www.temcoindustrialpower.com/search.html?&category=Resistance_Wire&c=0003003 <---tempco
http://lightning-vapes.myshopify.com/collections/all <----Lightening Vapes. also, use the code "LV15" for a discount at checkout
Another thing is needing to understand the basics of ohm's law and battery safety as well as coil wrapping and wicking...the safety aspects are paramount. If you go threw a lot of my other posts you'll see I usually ad a series of links to other threads that myself and other's have wrote pretty much outlining all of the basic info to give you a good knowledge foundation to work from....I am going to do the same here and ask that you take the time and read through them....this isn't the first time I've answered this question and it won't be the last...I am always happy to do so and am grateful I can help and people want to learn things the right way...it's just easier to relink than retype...it took us a long time to figure and write these out and I hope they help you. Also, I am linking an ohm's law calculator and the Steam Engine coil building tool so you can plug in specifications and see how your coil will turn out in theory if you wrapped it in the real world...this is meant to be used as a reference guide to help and is no substitute for a real ohm's meter.
Good luck and please don't hesitate to ask anymore questions along the way. Cheers
http://thelocust.net/ohm/ <----ohm's law calculator
http://www.steam-engine.org/coil.asp <----steam engine coil building tool
and the links below are full of good info every new vapor should know