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Karbon Mods


Member For 4 Years
I would love to get my hands on one of those although I'm not sure the height is right for me. I like small mods as possible but that can still hold a 18650 battery. That puts me in the 70-72mm height range.

I currently hacked a ft mini hana box (72mm) and was able to fit a 18650 battery in it (easily exchangeable with gold bullet connectors) but I would prefer carbon.

If you find someone making this or even create a group to make something like this for the community, I'm in :)


Sent from my keyboard through my phone or something like that.


Member For 4 Years
They are readily available. The guy who designed it sells the complete mod for $375 from one web site only. I don't have the link on my phone but I'll send it to ya if you want.

I've got some ideas of my own that I'm working on.

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Member For 4 Years
I don't want to shell out that price which is a bit... Now should I put it... Overpriced?

The case is a nice idea but hardly worth that kind of money. You don't have 30 bucks in material there and laser cutters are available.


Sent from my keyboard through my phone or something like that.

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