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Kayfun 3.1 tastes burnt

Hey, so I bought a kayfun 3.1 yesterday and set it up just single micro coil over the air hole. I have it on a ipv2 running 1.5 ohms 15 watts and 4.8 volts. Vaped all day yesterday with great taste and smooth vape. I got up the next day to vape and it tastes pretty burnt. Any ideas or suggestions as to how to fix this problem?



Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Easy things first.....

Time to check coil and wick for clues !
Is the coil "Funky" with residue ? ( If so pull the wick, dry burn/clean and re-wick. )
When you pull the old wick, rinse and inspect for charred/burnt area where the wick meets coil.
If burnt then ease up on wicking material, or try a larger diameter coil... it maybe choking if to "Tight".

Some juices will gunk a coil in one tank... others can go forever with hardly any gunking.
If it was fine before, and you have changed nothing.....
My bet is on dirty coil !

What are you using for wick if I may ask ?

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