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Larry from Texas

Howdy. My wife signed me up for this, we aren't new to vaping, but are moving up from the cigarette style ego pens. I had bought her the cool fire iv but she thought it suited me better, so i got her the Aspire Nautilus mini that she had asked for after watching I like the cool fire but want more power.

The lady at the vapor store just wants to sell everyone a new box with a replacement battery. Can't I rebuild my own higher powered mod, but keep unit I have?

I have never been on a forum, but am looking to learn more. Almosf layed down cigarettes completely. Ive gone from a pack every two days to around 5 or 6 a day.

Happy to be vaping, want to build and take apart things lol.


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Welcome! I also recently moved on from a pen, to a mechanical mod. Of course, I quit smoking several years ago and only started vaping last year. I can't say much about rebuilding regulated mods, as I've only hit one I think once and don't really know anything about them other than they have more functionality than a mechanical mod. I suppose for most people, the jump from a pen to something better is almost inevitable. I hated my pen, the disposable coils were built very shoddily. Now I'm building my own and I like it a lot better, coils can last a very long time when properly built and maintained. Anyhow, I'm rambling lol. I hope you enjoy the forum!


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Welcome to the VU. Good to have you here.
Thanks! I had to go get some tattooing supplies todaycand so my wife and I went to a different vapor store nearby, there were two guys who own this one, and one was at a table building mods and the other was dripping. It was a good time to go and twlkctp this guy about how to modify my unit and get ideas about how to get the most out of this. I learned some things, and have decided to modify my unit by trial and error. Can't learn any other way, right..

Last night after gettin tired of being bent over tattooing my leg, i got my mod with the drip tip that i bought at yesterdays' store and decided to rebuild the coil. I will attach picture if possible. I had put 12 wraps on each side and I thought I did a good job, lol. My first build, nobody showed me how or told me how, I tried it out for a dry run to see how the coils heated up and see where it needed modification.

It was very slow to heat up so i decided to take one side and cut in half and put on the otjer side, so i had a 6 inch on each side instead of 12 each side. I fired it off, one side seemed to heat up faster than the other. So i got the clue in my head that they need to be exactly like each other on each side. i knew they weren't in tandem, and made another modification.

Did another dry run, they both heated up in tandem, so i went ahead and loaded it with juice. I had put cotton under it, i realized it was burning the cotton up and me being stupid I needed to put liquid on the cotton because it was burning up. So, I snapped. I need to load this sucker up with juice, i glanced at my wife sitting on the bed, and said here we go round 1, she had that worried look ive seen a thousand times in her eyes, and I said just like i had a thousand times it'll be alright baby. we go, round 1

so i loaded it up, fired it off, and by golly, i seen smoke coming out of it so i threw my mouth over it and took a big inhale and a nice big plume of smoke came out, and it liked to kill my throat and it burned because the cotton had burned out. It was a big cloud but it was tasting good in the beginning and was burnt by the end. I knew there was something wrong, so i broke down and watched some videos and realized I was using the wrong cotton and that it is supposed to run through the center of your coil as a wick so that brings us to today. I needed a different opinion on vaping from somebody other than this one vapor store here. So now while I'm trying out my new tattoo gun I'm also rebuilding my coil and I know that I am going to build it right.

I will post pictures.

Thanks for taking the time to read, have a great night.


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Are you using a dripping atomizer, or a tank?
Are you using a dripping atomizer, or a tank?
Hey bean i have the aspire triton tank for every day use. I bought a dripper yesterday, a a dual coil with with 2 plus, 2 minus that i built for the coil, not knowing anything about the coils, or drippers. I just like to build things, and trying to find a happy place. Ive decided a lower voltage, i was on 40 watts at 5.75,volts,good cloud,c now im on 30 watts, 4.1 volts, pretty good vape. I haven't mastered my build yet, but it was not bad for my first one, never seen it or how it operates, but i figured it out. I wanted to do it on my own and see if i could. I am gonna post pics but it may be morning. Good night til later


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I graduated from a pen to a mech mod a few weeks ago, but only this week did infind builds that I'm really happy with. The higher builds I was using were not bad, but I guess I got used to the vape and wanted just a little more. My point is, there's nothing wrong with being a newb. You're going to make mistakes, and you're going to learn from them, and you're going to figure out what your preferences are and what methods of building and vaping you like best. As long as you're being careful, just keep at it and you'll get there. I started with an rda when I first got my mod, single coil at 1.2ohms. I experimented with a few different builds, and ended up settling on a .84 single coil in my rda. I just got a rebuildable tank a few days ago, and that took a little bit to figure out. I ended up with dual coils that came out to .69ohms, and the tank is working fantastically for me. Nice warm vapor, and the flavor is great, vapor production is very nice also.

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