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Last night a vaper saved my life!

The Juice Loosener

Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hello all,

I'm coming up on my 2-year anniversary off cigarettes thanks to my wife purchasing me my first vaporizer 21 months ago. It was a cute, little VW pen with a single-coil plastic tank. To tell you the truth, I can't even remember what brand it was, although I want to say Smoktech. It went from 3-7 watts. I finished my last pack of ciggies that day and haven't had a single one since after 20 years on the things and 2 fleetingly successful attempts at quitting. Since then, I dove head-first into the world of vaping and I haven't looked back. After another spinner-style pen, I finally decided to step up to sub-ohm vaping. My first foree into the market was with the Aspire CF Sub Ohm kit that came with the Atlantis 1 tank. It worked well with some juices and burned others. Due to the lack of a variable voltage/wattage option on the mod, I picked up a Sigelei 30W mini and used it with the Atlantis for quite a while.

Then I heard about Temperature Control. It sounded great in theory, so I decided to dip my toes in the water with an iStick 40W TC mod. I liked the cooler clouds and lack of a hot tank/mod in my hand, but the aspire coils left something to be desired. Finally, I heard about the impending release of the TFV4 and I just HAD to try it. Of course, I knew I'd need a more powerful mod to push that beast so I got the XCube II and that beast of a tank the same day. To be honest, it was okay, but not the light years of improvement I was expecting. Sure, the clouds were immense, but the flavor wasn't any better than my Sig 30W and Atlantis 1. I knew it wasn't the mod, so I dropped some more cash and picked up the Triton 2. It's a nice tank and, when paired with Aspire's Clapton coils, produces the most flavorful vapor I've ever had, even topping the TFV4's dual clapton coil, IMO. The only problem is that I'm a chain vaper and I was going through coils at the rate of one every 2-3 days. My brother-in-law let me try his Uwell Crown. The flavor rivaled that of my precious Triton/Clapton combination and the coils have a longer life, so I picked up a Crown in order to spread out my spending on coils as well as having two different vaping experiences, depending on my mood that day. Triton/Clapton when I need to be slapped upside the head with juicy flavor that sticks to my tongue, Crown when I am looking for a slightly less intense flavor experience and want to stretch out my coil dollar while still enjoying a satisfying vape that doesn't disappoint in the least.

Sadly, My TFV4 has been sitting on my closet shelf since I tried all the coils they made and none gave me the vaping experience I was looking for. I'm hoping that the TF-T4s I just ordered will change all that and place the tank squarely into my rotation. Overall, I'm happy with the XCube II and don't expect to need to buy another mod for quite some time, but I'm still willing to try different tanks when some new technology rounds the bend. I'm currently eyeing both the Cleito and Horizon's V8 Arctic tank, although I'm not sure I'm sold on either. I'm also intrigued by Vaporesso's ceramic coils. Unfortunately the only local vape shop that has them won't sell the tank without the mod yet. However, I didn't realize until today that the coils will fit my Triton, so I may see if I can just buy one or two of those and give them a shot. The guy at the shop said he got the whole package the first day it was released and he's still on his first coil a month-and-a-half later. However, this is the same guy that told me it was pronounced "Vapor-Roose-Oh" and that I shouldn't vape the Aspire Clapton coils below the recommended 40 watts because it could damage them, so I'm taking his braggadocio with a grain of salt.

Anyway, that's my vaping history. I'm down from 24 mgs/ml in my original mod to 3-6 mgs/ml currently, albeit in a sub-ohm setup. I'm breathing easier, not scared about lung cancer, and feeling better all-around. I'm just one of millions of people who have happily given up cigarettes thanks to vaping, here to learn a little bit more about my favorite hobby. I look forward to conversing with you all. Happy vaping!

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hi Brad, great to see you here, what a great intro and fellow vapers are some of the most inspiring people, aren't they??? Glad you found us and shared your story!!!

The Juice Loosener

Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hi Brad, great to see you here, what a great intro and fellow vapers are some of the most inspiring people, aren't they??? Glad you found us and shared your story!!!
I'm just happy to be a part of the community and to finally have a reliable place to go with my vaping questions. It seems that every brick-and-mortar place in town has a different spin on things, and it's possible they have ulterior motives for some of their answers ;). I'm an active member of forums on several other topics and I know I'll get the straight dope on a message board (I did my master's thesis on message boards, btw). Thanks for the welcoming response and clearly well-designed online environment for vaping discussions. A message board is only as good as its mods, so thank you for keeping such a clean house, Whiskey! :D

Today's satchel of goodies, for your viewing pleasure:



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Glad to have you here.

The Juice Loosener

Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Wayne sounds like a little girl!

I cleaned fully my XCube yesterday with rubbing alcohol after I whoops, unscrewed the tank in half and dumped all the e-liquid everywhere because I wasn't paying attention.
I've got about 100 microfiber cloths in my desk/car/home (they give them out to everyone for the company iPads) and I have several that are dedicated to cleaning up eJuice. They work like magic and are great for getting into those little nooks and crannies without leaving fibers behind like TP or paper towels. The trick is not forgetting which ones are for juice and using them on the iPad by accident. :eek:


Gold Contributor
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Your wife got you off cigs, good for her but I bet she didn't figure on it becoming a hobby. Still cheaper and healthier than cigs though.
Welcome to the VU

The Juice Loosener

Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Your wife got you off cigs, good for her but I bet she didn't figure on it becoming a hobby. Still cheaper and healthier than cigs though.
Welcome to the VU
Oh, if you only knew! Before it was issues with my clothes and breath smelling like smoke, not to mention the money it cost. Now it's, "You're always upstairs fiddling with that thing! Just fill it up and come downstairs for some family time instead of playing with your stupid toy all the time!"

She was never a smoker, but started vaping 0 mg juice when I did for support. I've tried explaining the physics of sub-ohm vaping and why my 0.3-ohm dual-coiled tanks empty so fast compared to her 1.8-ohm single coil pen vaporizer, but it doesn't seem to do much good. I'm convinced she's only ever truly, 100% happy when I'm actively doing housework or when she's asleep. :rolleyes:

Tell her I said that and I'll kill you. :D

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