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Late to the party... disposable sub ohm tanks WTF??

As a lapsed vaper returning taking stock of my gear and searching for coils for old forgotten tanks, i came across disposable sub ohm tanks for the first time and had a WTF moment.. Now Im kinda intrigued, anyone got anything good to say about any of them?

Do the emulate or get modelled after known 'good' tanks?

I didnt pause long on the web page ad clicking off and away in a knee jerk reaction finding the concept rather unpleasant initially,

And am somewhat cautious of starting a unbudgeted for spending spree, especially after taking stock and having a 'full cupboard', with the exception of the aforementioned older tank coils.. smock tf v4 mini etc..

then again is it any different from buying a $6 fasttech clone of a tank that might hold out for a couple of builds before buying the real thing if the build/style/vape warrants it?

Do you get good or reasonable millage out of a disposable tank? whats the expected lifespan with a v low impact juice?

I dunno?? educate me ;)

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