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Lawmakers push for e-cig flavor ban


Under Ground Hustler
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I knew this was coming, this same group of assholes has been pushing for this bullshit flavor ban for 4 years now.

Read the article, they either

1) Have no clue what the fuck they are talking about.

2) Are fucking weasels, know that what they are claiming is utter bullshit, but know exactly what they need to say in order to scare other politicians into helping them.

I'm going to go with "2" on this one - 5150


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Member For 4 Years
They keep referring to it as "flavored liquid nicotine", so its obvious they have no clue that these are the same flavorings that give them flavored food. Make them all eat bland, gray unflavored donuts, cookies and cakes and see how long any sort of "flavor ban" lasts.

From the article I quote... "there is no reason to have 7,000 flavors such as blueberry pie, cotton candy or gummy bears,” Esty said. “That is not something that somebody who is 50 and is trying to quit smoking is going to buy.”

Says who? What planet is this person living on? There must be millions that will tell her thats simply not true, and that one must do what one must do in order to overcome the deadly addiction that is smoking. If that means blueberry pie or gummy bear "flavored liquid nicotine", then so be it. Who are these people to question my desire to quit smoking or what flavors or methods it takes in order to do so.

What is the problem? The problem is too many people trying to dictate what others do. Just stop it already. It is widely accepted that long term cigarette smoking can have serious health consequences. Why dont these people express the same amount of zeal and enthusiasm for banning cigarettes as they do for vaping? Flavors? Eat your gray donut, Ms. Esty.
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It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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Guess the easiest workaround for both producers and consumers is to have a 2 bottle pack, a big unflavored base bottle and a small flavor bottle, pour the small one into the big one and walla.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
THank God the Democrat party is protecting our children,so they can stay healthy enough to become cannon fodder in another in the long litnay or uneccesary war.....our political class are such lousy liars.....


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Ugh, I was wondering when they'd start pushing this.

I just hope we have a broad enough base of support politically (which I actually think there is a fair amount of vaping support on both sides of the aisle from a media standpoint, although politically the Democrats sem to have lined up in lock step against vaping as the next dragon to slay it seems, far better support then I'd thought we'd have in the media though) to squash this nonsense. I personally don't think this will gain much traction, there's too much acceptance in the populace (in my opinion) and the medical community that vaping is basically not that bad as far as we know, and is world's better than smoking.

In what world, or what part of the modern world does any one person get to decide how many flavors of anything we need to have? I couldn't say that line with a straight face personally. We don't have or tolerate kings anymore(in the west at least), so no one gets to decide that for you or anyone but themselves.

With smoking on the outs I think that you have some bored people who want to have a crusade. This kind of person is always around and making trouble because they're bored, it's really kind of sad. But they can be a royal pain.

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