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Lawsuits Filed Against Stores Selling E-Cigarettes


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hold on tight !! ,,i expect to hear there will be a lot more of these coming up in the next few weeks .sadly


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We live in a world where somebody can spill hot coffee in their lap and successfully sue the vendor of said hot coffeee for... well, for selling them hot coffee. Blame it on poor upbringing and education. Blame it on a "news" media that's more about entertainment than actual news and information. Blame it on a nanny state mentality on the part of government. Blame it on there being just too damn many lawyers in the world. But it is what it is.

There is little doubt in my mind that, in at least some cases, the store and/or manufacturer bears some responsibility. But whom you, I and any other reasonable person might feel bears responsibility and what the law says are two entirely different things.

Example: Years ago I was buying replacement parts for part of the safety system on a used table saw I'd purchased. The store was somewhat taken aback at my order, because, in their experience, many users never attached the stuff on brand new saws that came with the necessary parts right out of the box. One guy behind the counter remarked "Then they injure themselves and sue us." They were currently defending two or three lawsuits like that at the time.

Eventually I imagine the Consumer Product Safety Commission will have to address the entire high-power battery issue. It affects not just vaping gear, but high-tech flashlights and a slew of other products. These batteries are dangerous, and, because people are careless and stupid, eventually the products that use them will have to be designed such that the careless and stupid are not so inclined to injure themselves and others.

And Darwin will again be defeated.


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We live in a world were someone can sue redbull for NOT GIVING THEM WINGS!!!!

Teresa P

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And cigarettes can give you cancer, and candy and chips can make you fat, and otc meds can give you limp dick and make your kids high.....WHERE'S MY LAWYER????

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