This is an adaptation of a plain cheesecake recipe I found on the eLiquid Recipes website. It's simple and delicious!
- 1% CAP Graham Cracker (V1)
- 6% CAP New York Cheesecake
- 2.5% CAP Vanilla Custard (V1)
- 1% FA Lemon Sicily
Can be used nicely as a shake-n-vape, but will be better after a few days steeping because of the custard.
Okay, I just whipped up a 10 ml batch of this, and wOw!! I LOVE it! Thank you thank you thank you soooo much!
I had to tweak it a teensy bit, as the only lemon I have is CAP's Juicy Lemon, and I think I added 3 drops instead of 2, thus upping it to 1.5%... but I have to say, as a S&V, this is really lovely - not sure it will have time enough to steep to allow the custard to work its magic! Of course, I can easily see myself making a 30 ml batch of this as soon as the test bottle approaches empty.
I've only been into DIY mixing for a little over 2 months, and I'm just now really starting to dig the cheesecake and custard vapes, which I previously thought I would hate for some reason - boy, was I wrong! lol I bought both flavorings so I could mix up a Unicorn Milk clone recipe I kept running across, and it's been cheesecake and custard everything ever since.
So glad I now have this sweet (and tart!) little number in my bag of tricks.
***takes a good long haul of lemony goodness and exhales in a state of utter bliss***
So again, thank you!