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Letter to MP (Liberal) in Canada


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This is the body of an email I sent to my local MP recently.

As a constituent in the riding that you represent I felt it necessary to share my opinions on an often overlooked and under-discussed modern day phenomena, vaping.
I have been a tobacco addict for 50 years. About ten years ago I had a mild heart attack. This would be a wake up call you would think. The grip of my addiction prevented me from quitting smoking. Sure I cut down but what I should have done was quit. Addicts who are unable to help themselves are too often considered weak when they should be considered ill. Smoking addiction is an illness that governments have been profiting from for many many years. There's not a lot that sets them apart from drug dealers.
Last April I decided to give vaping a try. The results were instantaneous. I've not had a cigarette since. Reports are in. Vaping is not a substitute for smoking. It is an alternative, a far safer alternative. Vapour and second hand vapour are far and away less harmful than smoke. It's odd that a substance as noxious as tobacco enjoys a life of legality while a far safer alternative does not. In these times when we're looking at legalizing recreational m*rijuana isn't it time we actually looked at the healthier alternative to smoking. Have we learned nothing? The best treatment isn't always written on a prescription pad and manufactured by a chemical supplier. Health takes a back seat to money way too often. I suppose that governments could impose hefty taxes on vape and vape hardware but will that encourage people to embrace the healthier alternative? Now we apparently are on the verge of more governmental meddling.
There's been talk that the Federal government is going to be looking at vaping and making a decision soon. If the decision is not legalization and regulation of vape as a consumer item outside of the influence of Health Canada, I will have a severely diminished opinion of our people in Ottawa. Let's make the right choice for a change. Let's consider the health and well being of our people without crunching numbers for Revenue Canada.
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Well said :vino:

We can only hope they will listen to you and others like you!

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