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Lime Rickey Help


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So I'm trying to develop a lime juice that is more subtle like a lime rickey flavor. I am currently at:
Coconut - FA 4%
Lime - INW 3%
Cream - FLV 2%
60/40 (VG/PG)
My lime is too sharp at this point and know that I need to reduce it but the flavor is much closer to lime sherbet than a lime rickey. The flavors don't seem to be joined, they taste separate. Thoughts? Ideas?


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
So I'm trying to develop a lime juice that is more subtle like a lime rickey flavor. I am currently at:
Coconut - FA 4%
Lime - INW 3%
Cream - FLV 2%
60/40 (VG/PG)
My lime is too sharp at this point and know that I need to reduce it but the flavor is much closer to lime sherbet than a lime rickey.

A lime rickey cocktail usually contains..
1/2 cup sugar
1 1/2 cups gin
3/4 cup fresh lime juice
1 1/2 quarts chilled soda water

A No booze recipe example...

1⁄2 lime, cut into quarters, plus 1 oz. fresh lime juice
2 1⁄2 tbsp. sugar
8 oz. club soda

Seems like you are putting together something different? That could explain the "lime sherbet" result.

The Shisha Lime I got from INW (Not re-bottled and came in a glass container) was Very strong. One drop in a 10ml batch of Rum & Coke resulted in a very strong lime flavor dominance. I myself would cut back on the lime.

"The basis of art is change in the universe."- Matsuo Basho


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A lime rickey cocktail usually contains..
A No booze recipe example...

1⁄2 lime, cut into quarters, plus 1 oz. fresh lime juice
2 1⁄2 tbsp. sugar
8 oz. club soda

Seems like you are putting together something different? That could explain the "lime sherbet" result.

The Shisha Lime I got from INW (Not re-bottled and came in a glass container) was Very strong. One drop in a 10ml batch of Rum & Coke resulted in a very strong lime flavor dominance. I myself would cut back on the lime.

"The basis of art is change in the universe."- Matsuo Basho

Not different at all. If you have ever had one, the flavors are subtle and soft. My thought was that the coconut could give some sharpness of the club soda (seltzer water originally from a fountain jerk) and the cream and coconut could add a touch of sweetness. At the same time, the cream could bridge the flavors. I agree on the lime being too much and will cut it back on my next batch.


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Member For 5 Years
Not different at all. If you have ever had one, the flavors are subtle and soft.

I've had Lime Rickeys before and they taste like sparkling Limeade. (No Cream or Coconut aspects at all) With 4% FA Coconut in your recipe, that would make it closer to a Coconut Lime Rickey. But...that's not what flavor profile you asked for. Is it?


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I've had Lime Rickeys before and they taste like sparkling Limeade. (No Cream or Coconut aspects at all) With 4% FA Coconut in your recipe, that would make it closer to a Coconut Lime Rickey. But...that's not what flavor profile you asked for. Is it?

No not trying to get to a coconut lime rickey. I was thinking that the coconut could impart the aspects of the club soda in the right proportion. A taste but not definable. Maybe vodka at 1% would have done it better but I have always found that vodka seems to sharpen flavors not make them more subtle.


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Member For 5 Years
Don't get me wrong, a lime-coconut-creamy vape does sound good! You might consider some TPA/TFA Koolada and/or Champagne for some chill and/or a carbonation sensation? With some lime flavor and sweetener, that might be something to consider.

Of course, I myself would certainly dose it with some FA Gin too! :drunk:

"When life hands you lemons, make whisky sours."- W. C. Fields


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Don't get me wrong, a lime-coconut-creamy vape does sound good! You might consider some TPA/TFA Koolada and/or Champagne for some chill and/or a carbonation sensation? With some lime flavor and sweetener, that might be something to consider.

I like the champagne idea. Thanks. I'll get some of that on order. Before I dump out what's left of the batch, I'm going to try to add 1% vodka and see what that does to the batch.


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I like the champagne idea. Thanks. I'll get some of that on order. Before I dump out what's left of the batch, I'm going to try to add 1% vodka and see what that does to the batch.

I added the 1% vodka and it had the opposite effect I was looking for. It made the flavors much sharper. I'll scrap this recipe and start again with a different plan :idea:

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