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Lint free cloth?

So I was bored and decided to try another wicking method. Lint free cloth @@!

Anyone know if this is smart or 'just another way to wick' ?

I havent actually 'tooted' yet so it is just sitting there , but while building (competitaion kennedy RDA) and preping , it didnt actually smell bad and felt normal or at least ok.

The type im using is similar to this

Its not like a silk cloth but cotton (im assuiming due to coil preparing and smell)



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It's not cotton. Using wicking made from unknown synthetic materials (probably petroleum by-products) and treated with unknown chemicals isn't something I would try. Just use organic cotton.


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Best to stick with the tired and true wicking material.

Awhile back, one of the members tried Alpaca Wool as a wicking material.

Not sure if he ever got the smell out of his house or not.

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