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Under Ground Hustler
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"The City of Quinte West is looking at possibly implementing a vaping by-law. Local Canadian Cancer Society Spokeswoman, Karen White, was at Monday night's council meeting and she would like to see vaping and hookah pipes banned from public places and indoors. She says radon is one of the chemical carcinogens found in cigarette smoke. White is stressing that radon is the leading cause of death among men and women and it's also responsible for 13 per cent of deaths in non-smokers. She added that radon is also found naturally in the soil underneath your home, hightening a person's risk of being exposed to radon. White says the Society is calling on the City to implement a bylaw that would require new houses to have a vapour barrier or locked in ventilation system to help prevent radon cancer. A staff report is set to come back in January."

Look, another mentally challenged person found their way into a position of power.

Why you ask?

That would be because radon does not come from cigarettes, tobacco, smoke, vaping, vapor, none of the above.

So is SHE this Stupid or does She think You are this Stupid? - 5150

Our buddy Dr. F knows way more than she does about many things including Radon:


...and so does the ACS:


Senior Moderator
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unbelievable....I gotta stop reading your "In The NEWS" posts....:devil:

Etown smoke

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Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
I wonder where this article is from, in my province smoking has been banned indoors for quite some time now and the city I'm in put vaping in the same category just cause they didn't want to deal with all the anti smokers bitching and complaining. We are aloud to vape in vape shops tho. This province is so hard on smoking that you can't sell smokes if your store has a pharmacy, you can't show smokes at a convenience store (all behind black covers) smoke shops have to have blacked out windows so kids can't see in and just last year they banned menthol smokes and any other flavored cigarillos then on top of that they tripled the tax on them, it's on average $12-15 a pack

Oh and keep it up 5150, I enjoy reading the articles you post

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