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Local Idiot Wants Flavors Banned & His Shop Closed - Local business welcomes new vaping rules


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I think he is pandering to the "what about our children" band wagon.

He is the only vape shop in his area and he is placing himself on a pedestal by "agreeing" and making "friends" with the legislators.

Not a bad business strategy and getting free advertising and getting his name and shop in the media as the "caring" shop

Maybe Im too cynical.


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It should have put "Local idiot talks to the press" in the title instead

it probably went something like this:

press: hi we would like to interview you about the new proposed ecig regs

idiot: what new proposed ecig regs?

press: The new proposed ecig regs where they are banned to be purchasse by minors under 18 and stuff...

idiot: Oh, that is good, the new proposed ecig regs are good.....

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