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looking for a reciepie for Absinthe.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
not interested in where I can buy a absithe flavoring, what I'm looking for is an actual recepie for absinthe the one I've seen is


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Have you ever tasted real absinthe? It's really just anise, so the tobacco and orange would have no place in it that I can see! This might help if you want to start from scratch (scroll down to ingredients):

I wonder if you're looking for something more like Pluid, which many people say has some citrus notes in it (I didn't get that, but then again it was so strong I couldn't vape it LOL)
The only way I've ever used absinthe in a recipe is mixing it with tfa energy drink, similar to a jägerbomb.
8ml @12mg 30/70 pg/vg
tfa absinthe 12%
tfa energy drink 6%


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The only way I've ever used absinthe in a recipe is mixing it with tfa energy drink, similar to a jägerbomb.
8ml @12mg 30/70 pg/vg
tfa absinthe 12%
tfa energy drink 6%
as I wrote I'm not interested in absinthe flavorings I am interested in a recepie for absinthe I'm well aware of the half dozn companies that sell absinthe flavorings.


VU Donator
Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Any recipe for genuine, traditional-style absinthe always includes three distinct groups of herbs: the primary "holy trinity" herbs, taste-enhancing herbs and, finally, herbs added for aroma and colour.

The herbs that essentially define absinthe as a drink, or set it apart and that largely give absinthe its characteristic taste and cause its unusual effects. These three herbs are always present, in any absinthe made:

It is bitter in taste and contains an oily substance called thujone – and, of course, it is thujone that is responsible for the unusual absinthe effects.

This gives absinthe its typical liquorice flavour and scent. Its oil also plays a part in creating the unusual louche (clouding) effect when water is added to absinthe.
The seed (correctly the fruit) of this flowering plant is sweet in taste and very aromatic.

The liquorice flavour from Fennel is a little sweeter than anise's but certainly much less intense.
Fennel balances the bitterness of wormwood and tones down the sharp edges of anise.

*Source of information


Member For 4 Years
not interested in where I can buy a absithe flavoring, what I'm looking for is an actual recepie for absinthe the one I've seen is

pulpzNew Member
The only way I've ever used absinthe in a recipe is mixing it with tfa energy drink, similar to a jägerbomb.
8ml @12mg 30/70 pg/vg
tfa absinthe 12%
tfa energy drink 6%

pulsevape: .as I wrote I'm not interested in absinthe flavorings I am interested in a recepie for absinthe I'm well aware of the half dozn companies that sell absinthe flavorings.

o_O that looked like an absinthe recipe to me.

8ml @12mg 30/70 pg/vg
tfa absinthe 12%
tfa energy drink 6%

Hillbilly Pig

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Reddit Exile
If you're still interested here's the recipe my buddy uses.

1.5% zen garden FA
2% Anise FA
.5% cloves FA
1% 7 leaves ultimate FA
OPTIONAL 3% sweetener

The anise will be the most pronounced, but not totally overpowering. However if you want more of an anise taste, add 3% instead of two.
Hope ya enjoy it.:vino:

P.S Don't expect the unique feeling of absinthe drunk to hit ya.

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