You can pick up protective vape bands to go over the glass in the tank. Some tanks come with spare glass, others easy to buy, some not. Some tanks have a lot of metal like Delta 2, Triton, and Steam Engine.
Usually can find silicone cover for mods on eBay or through vapecrawler.
If you could do $100, that would buy a tfv4 or tfv8, batteries, charger, and a 200 watt mod. Add coils and juice, and good to go.
Online cheaper than vape shop. I Stick with US vendors and have done well on eBay too, but watch the seller ratings.
Other cloud tanks might be CCI Maus or Triforce, Zpal Coral, Horizon Tech Arctic V8, etc. CCI tanks pricier than the others. On a budget, the Cleito is worth a shot.