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Looking for fellow nudist vapers


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Any one else out there? I suspect there should be someone elese being vapers are cool mello people.

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Lonely and waiting.
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puts a little pizzazz back into the junior badges
not a bad idea really, hows about an all nude fuck the fda rally showing we're serious
would kind of get our cause off the back pages and into the forefront
a million vaper march or something
i'd walk a mile for my vape
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Diamond Contributor
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puts a little pizzazz back into the junior badges
not a bad idea really, hows about an all nude fuck the fda rally really showing we're serious
would kind of get our cause off the back pages and into the forefront
a million vaper march or something
i'd walk a mile for my vape
NO,NO, don't want to see the average vaper me....


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we could get a bunch of good looking sexy people to walk for us and have a pledge drive raising millions for the cause


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we could get a bunch of good looking sexy people to walk for us and have a pledge drive raising millions for the cause
good looking sexy people?....and then what...we'd have to teach them to vape first.....and then the second thing is we'd have to get the real vapers to leave their basements......and walk...while the sun was still you really want to take the chance of seeing Grimm Greene in daylight.....


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still, I get the feeling that having a giant orgy would somehow benefit vaping. there's a real solution in here somewhere if I could only figure it out.

got to think bigger. a world wide sunbathe nude at night fuck the fda backyard march only better than that

party starts a msrfrogs place, a virtual ground zero for bringing vaping freedom to everyone
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Any one else out there? I suspect there should be someone elese being vapers are cool mello people.

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I used too bit I kept burning my bits and pieces.

San Antonio,Texas


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Well, being a nudist AND a vapist, that's like having your cake and eating it too. I think that's what the FDA is really afraid of. First, everybody including the young vulnerable people will start vaping when they really shouldn't. Then the next thing you know they'll start doing everything in their power to just 'go nude' all the time. Sunburning is a risk, yes, but there are very lovely natural areas in America where not wearing very many clothes is closer to the norm than one might think.


Diamond Contributor
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Well, being a nudist AND a vapist, that's like having your cake and eating it too. I think that's what the FDA is really afraid of. First, everybody including the young vulnerable people will start vaping when they really shouldn't. Then the next thing you know they'll start doing everything in their power to just 'go nude' all the time. Sunburning is a risk, yes, but there are very lovely natural areas in America where not wearing very many clothes is closer to the norm than one might think.
OK you first yourself naked...and then if I like what I see I'll follow you...if you have a nice butt.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Hmm, perhaps a Nude vaping convention in Vegas. Hey, they do the furby things. LOL


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Back in the day, people ran around nude all the time. I think it would really do this country some good to get back to that a little bit. If we could somehow tie that in with vaping freedom we'd really be getting somewhere!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Back in the day, people ran around nude all the time. I think it would really do this country some good to get back to that a little bit. If we could somehow tie that in with vaping freedom we'd really be getting somewhere!
man you are really fixated on this naked thing........yeah back in the 60s 70s nudity was becoming acceptable....but I think the Fashion industry put the cabash on it....they were lsoing money.



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I just think we should punch the FDA right in nose as hard as possible, with as much impact as possible, and a giant, naked million person march would just knock the system right on its ass; we would win with one knock out punch. It would change American history forever.

Plus, it would set an excellent precedent for other important social causes. They could follow in our footsteps. But, everyone will fondly recall the day the vapers showed how it is done.


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I just think we should punch the FDA right in nose as hard as possible, with as much impact as possible, and a giant, naked million person march would just knock the system right on its ass; we would win with one knock out punch. It would change American history forever.
do you by any chance have a big psychdelic painted schoolbus parked on your commune we could use.


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I bet every vaper in America would do it before they would give up their vape. At least it would bring the other side to the table . . .


Diamond Contributor
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I bet every vaper in America would do it before they would give up their vape. At least it would bring the other side to the table . . .
I bet the other side would outlaw e-juice overnight if we all showed up naked, and I wouldn't blame them for it either.....ugly people should not go around naked....when your 23 yeah sure go for it get naked....when your 53 nobody wants to see that shit. I mean, check it out I still looked good at 53,....

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hmmm . . . maybe that's the whole point, right? makes me wonder if anyone's ever tried it before? Organized, peaceful, unarmed, without defense, nudist, cool, mello (OP) ghandi mlk john and yoko
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^^^ And that's why ya keep ya clothes on... little kids lives and brains depend on it. :giggle::giggle:

Not if they're raised with it.
Though it doesn't play well as a "surprise" to be encountered.
There's a massive difference between "naturism" and "swinging", not to mention "activism".
The only thing they have in common is "clothing optional".

In fact... I'd wager more clothes (read: outfits) are worn by the swingers.

hmmm . . . maybe that's the whole point, right? makes me wonder if anyone's ever tried it before? Organized, peaceful, unarmed, without defense, nudist, cool, mello (OP) ghandi mlk john and yoko

"Tried it?"... I damn near lived it for several years. Every weekend or evening/night I could escape the Bay Area and pop over to Lupin. A pricy, landed, private club (with a 3+ star restaurant) makes for a different atmosphere. Can't say I've even ever been to a nude beach.

Though I'll pass on the John & (especially) Yoko, as well as the touchy-feely... that's not a basic requirement of Naturism (thankfully).

Though I will say... actual "massaging" massages (keep your hot rocks) are much better without the embarrassment/body shaming or sexual tension.

Oh and... SWIMWEAR SUCKS !!1!11! :D
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Not if they're raised with it.
There's a massive difference between "naturism" and "swinging"
The only thing they have in common is "clothing optional".

In fact... I'd wager more clothes (read: outfits) are worn by the swingers.

"Tried it?"... I damn near lived it for several years. Every weekend or evening/night I could escape the Bay Area and pop over to Lupin.

Though I'll pass on the John & (especially) Yoko, as well as the touchy-feely... that's not a basic requirement of Naturism (thankfully).
Well I meant for kids who are not used to it/ raised on it. Like think being out in public, ya know? I shouldn't make fun of someone's lifestyle but jeez... How many opportunities would I have to post that pic! ;);) I kinda just had to. :teehee:


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Well I meant for kids who are not used to it/ raised on it. Like think being out in public, ya know? I shouldn't make fun of someone's lifestyle but jeez... How many opportunities would I have to post that pic! ;);) I kinda just had to. :teehee:

Post away... I'd seen it not long ago.
Probably along with whichever celebrity's daughter is currently demonstrating for top-free legality (sorry, but damn... I can't recall who. Rumor Willis, I think).

You missed my usual proofread and edit though... I had added the "activism" which tends to get splashy headlines but really doesn't go over too well here just yet.

When a 'Nude Bike Rally' goes unnoticed in Peoria... we'll be there.

Or when a pretty girl (or hunky dude) gets a nod and a smile... not an ogling stare.

"Be appreciative... not demonstrative."

(don't know why I put that in quotes... I just made it up)


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You know what, I get to say whatever the fuck I want to because... it's my B-Day. :p

And I need to crash soon so I can go get a new state's DL later today. :(
Crap... I'm an Oregonian. :eek:


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Hell I don't even want to see ME naked, let alone you bastards. Seriously, have you seen Grimm Green? Or Fagan? You want to see those abominations naked? No fucking thanks.


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Hell I don't even want to see ME naked, let alone you bastards. Seriously, have you seen Grimm Green? Or Fagan? You want to see those abominations naked? No fucking thanks.

Naturism or Social Nudism is about you enjoying yourself indoors or out, amongst others, without the restrictions of societal clothing requirements... not some pervy desire to drool over hot bods. :p

Attractive people are pleasant to look at, and unattractive people (ie: the rest of us) are easily processed and acclimated to... the point is to feel free of stifling clothing.
Especially in pools and hot tubs... swimming nude isn't just for kids.

And meeting new people is surprisingly open and comfortable when one isn't looking for a nip-slip or wondering what color someone's panties are.
Or most anything else we wonder when looking at a clothed person (not me of course). :D

I swear to FSM... it takes less than two minutes to become comfortably naked in "public".

But if "pervy" is what someone wants... there're plenty of "free" beaches with overlooks for setting up your binocs. :rolleyes:

But that's NOT "Naturism".


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Well I guess most forum members are about 14 years old according to the replies . I'm not talking about vaping/nudist movements. I was just wondering if there was any like minded people.

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Must be my location. Its not very Conservative around here.

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Must be my location. Its not very Conservative around here.

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The response was fairly predictable.
I'm in S. Coastal Oregon, nothing around here that I know of, but it's been years since I've looked about... I'm a NorCal transplant. :p

What State or Coast are you at?

eta: just noticed... is "ms" significant?


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The response was fairly predictable.
I'm in S. Coastal Oregon, nothing around here that I know of, but it's been years since I've looked about... I'm a NorCal transplant.

What State or Coast are you at?

eta: just noticed... is "ms" significant?
Its my initials then frog. I'm near Woodstock NY in the Hudson valley. So its no big deal around here to strip down and jump in the creeks. Or swimming holes.

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Its my initials then frog. I'm near Woodstock NY in the Hudson valley. So its no big deal around here to strip down and jump in the creeks. Or swimming holes.

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Yeah... never had that freedom. :(


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"Man is the sole animal whose nudity offends his own companions, and the only one who, in his natural actions, withdraws and hides himself from his own kind." ~ Montaigne


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