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Lucent Groove Sesame Pudding


Picky Bearded 'Backy Bum
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Member For 4 Years
Howdy, VU! Back 'atcha with something new to share, this time plopping (or attempting to, at least) right in the middle between 'savory' and 'sweet.' There's a lot going on in there, it's a bit more complex on the tongue than some of my other mixes, but after iteration after iteration of this bad boy I think I've got a good melding of ingredients pegged down.

Here we go:

Lucent Groove Sesame Pudding

2.5% WF Sesame Dough - SC
2% RF Bread Pudding
1.5% FVH Vanilla Pudding
1% FA Breakfast Cereal
0.5% FA Almond



WF stands for Wonder Flavours, RF stands for Real Flavors. Both purchased at Bull City Flavors, online. Good folk, check 'em out.

It's not quite hitting that 10% self-imposed threshold for flavorings, but I don't believe this needs to. It's about right, right there.

Sesame is playing the spotlight flavor, and I love it. Subdued and thick, it makes for a great, just... different flavor. And I like it. More than 2.5%, that's all you're gonna taste, take 2.5% as a tops, max.

Bread Pudding by itself isn't something that I'm head-over-heels about, if we're being honest - however, there's a place for every flavoring, right? It lends itself nicely to semi-sweet, bakery-style flavors. There's something it adds, I can't put my finger on it. A little bit of a funk, some thickness, some oomph. Unique. Dare I say, intriguing.

That said, it directly competes with the Sesame Dough by mere nature of their profiles. Like a see-saw match, a little heavier on one and it all goes this way - a little more of the other, it's all that. There's a tough middle ground, I guess is what I'm saying.

The two of them balanced, though? I mean, it's not half bad. Now, let's French it up.

I've pushed the Vanilla Pudding as high as it can go before getting obnoxious. Other vanillas could easily be swapped for it, I've tried INW Shisha Vanilla - which works well, but makes it much sweeter and pulls some of the 'thick, rich' effect out. Sharpens the mix. I suppose that could be replaced by 0.5% FVH Cream, FA Fresh Cream etc. I imagine TFA Vanilla Swirl would work well here as well.

The Breakfast Cereal is a recent swap out for good ol' CAP Cereal 27. If you want to use 27, I'd suggest pushing the percentage up to 2%-ish. I think it helps with the 'nutty,' grain and oat profile that the Sesame brings to the table. Pushes that see-saw a little in favor of the Sesame, but we're giving that bad boy the limelight anyways, so it's not a problem. It's complimentary without overtaking.

Finally, if you don't dig the subtle notes of almonds, feel free to exclude that as well. I felt it would be a welcome addition to it, and I was pleasantly rewarded for it. I feel it adds just a touch of something extra.

As always, you could throw in 2-3 DROPS per 10ml (my personal ratio, your mileage may vary) of FVH Brie Cheese. Honestly, it's hard to tell if it's adding much at that small of a ratio (and against the strengths of the Sesame & Bread Pudding) - but I like to think it does something in this one and I haven't tried really spotlighting here, either. shrug

I've attempted to add a single drop of FVH Smooth Vanilla, but it clouded up the entire thing and made it taste a bit too perfumey for my tastes. Certainly made it sweeter and much more "vanilla" than without it. I don't personally recommend.

Steeping: Shake 'n Vape ready, only gets better with time. My record for a 10ml bottle of any of the versions of this recipe is 3, 4 days or so. It felt like it had mellowed out a bit, maybe the almond kicker is a little more noticeable, but it didn't drastically change. Too many other flavors to try and taste and adjust and play with.
Alright guys, gals, that's all I got for today.

Flavors are cheap, life is short my friends. Have a great one!
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