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Luciano: Exploding vape device torches man's groin


Under Ground Hustler
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"Battery awareness is key. Because the devices sap so much energy, users carry and switch out batteries often. Some keep the battery units in their pockets, sometimes with coins, keys and other metals. When clanked against one another, the metals can cause an electrical short and subsequent explosion, Story says.

A simple and inexpensive solution would be to store the units in plastic cases, available now for just pennies, Story says. Such a practice would eliminate most explosions, he says. Instead, he fears horror stories over pocket fireworks could cause unnecessary federal crackdowns and hurt access to vaping products.

But in the Bushnell situation, a plastic case would not have helped Ellington, says attorney Chapman. Though he declined to provide detail, Chapman says of Story's metal-on-metal trigger, "What he's describing is not consistent with what happened."

Well from what "Court documents allege" that seems to be exactly what they are suing over:

"Court documents allege Vapers 6 was negligent in selling Ellington a Chinese-made vape device without ensuring adequate quality control and for failing to warn Ellington about proper storage methods for a risky lithium-ion battery."

"According to the court filing, on Sept. 25, 2016, a lithium-ion Efest battery within a Chinese Sigelei Spark Mod vaping device caught fire while the device was stored in Ellington's pocket. The device exploded and caused "substantial" burns to his hands, legs and groin area."

I don't think for one second that a Regulated Sigelei Mod just exploded for no reason in this dudes pocket.

Here is my opinion of what happened:

1) Dipshit vaper carries mod in pocket, Mods battery door opens and battery comes into contact with change and/or keys

2) Dipshit Vaper thinks battery looks "cooler" without wrap or wrap is in really bad shape but Dipshit Vaper is too stupid to care.

3) Dipshit Vaper had loose battery in pocket with change and/or keys then lies to lawyer about said Vapers stupidity in order to get paid.

The Fake News media has people believing that any mod can just explode for no reason whatsoever.

Can you guys think of any other reason a fully regulated device would just explode for no reason at all?

I know one thing:



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Member For 4 Years
the user was sold a shity single 18650 mod with a single shitty effest battery...
I want to know what coils he had in the dripper !



Under Ground Hustler
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the user was sold a shity single 18650 mod with a single shitty effest battery...
I want to know what coils he had in the dripper !

I should be able wire a piece of 16 gauge directly from the positive terminal to the negative terminal in the dripper and when I turn a regulated sigelei mod on all I should see is "atomizer short" flashing on the screen.



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Member For 4 Years
but...but...I'm always being hammered by the "anti-mech mod bomb squad" telling me mech mods are glorified pipe bombs quietly waiting for their chance to blow up some innocent vaper...and here we have a foolproof regulated mod blowing some poor fellas penis can this be? Have regulated mods joined mech mods in their sinister plot to assassinate innocent it you can't fix stupid....or maybe just maybe some of those gruesome accidents attributed to mech mods were lies to keep from embarassing a jackass...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years

"Battery awareness is key. Because the devices sap so much energy, users carry and switch out batteries often. Some keep the battery units in their pockets, sometimes with coins, keys and other metals. When clanked against one another, the metals can cause an electrical short and subsequent explosion, Story says.

A simple and inexpensive solution would be to store the units in plastic cases, available now for just pennies, Story says. Such a practice would eliminate most explosions, he says. Instead, he fears horror stories over pocket fireworks could cause unnecessary federal crackdowns and hurt access to vaping products.

But in the Bushnell situation, a plastic case would not have helped Ellington, says attorney Chapman. Though he declined to provide detail, Chapman says of Story's metal-on-metal trigger, "What he's describing is not consistent with what happened."

Well from what "Court documents allege" that seems to be exactly what they are suing over:

"Court documents allege Vapers 6 was negligent in selling Ellington a Chinese-made vape device without ensuring adequate quality control and for failing to warn Ellington about proper storage methods for a risky lithium-ion battery."

"According to the court filing, on Sept. 25, 2016, a lithium-ion Efest battery within a Chinese Sigelei Spark Mod vaping device caught fire while the device was stored in Ellington's pocket. The device exploded and caused "substantial" burns to his hands, legs and groin area."

I don't think for one second that a Regulated Sigelei Mod just exploded for no reason in this dudes pocket.

Here is my opinion of what happened:

1) Dipshit vaper carries mod in pocket, Mods battery door opens and battery comes into contact with change and/or keys

2) Dipshit Vaper thinks battery looks "cooler" without wrap or wrap is in really bad shape but Dipshit Vaper is too stupid to care.

3) Dipshit Vaper had loose battery in pocket with change and/or keys then lies to lawyer about said Vapers stupidity in order to get paid.

The Fake News media has people believing that any mod can just explode for no reason whatsoever.

Can you guys think of any other reason a fully regulated device would just explode for no reason at all?

I know one thing:

I try not to support "Fake news"
Poor dear,and he thought his penis was so large ,sad panda

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