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Martin Freeman: E-cigarettes are helping more people to quit


Under Ground Hustler
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"E-cigarettes are said to be the aid of choice for those who want to quit. In total, about 2.6million people use them.

All good, so far. But I am far less comfortable with the idea of my cash being handed out through the NHS so that millions can "vaper" instead of smoke.

The health service is not awash with money.

While there would presumably be a windfall down the line if there were a further big reduction in expensive-to-treat smoking-related diseases, what would happen to the NHS budget in the meantime?"

As the market is now vaping only costs the people who vape.
Why change that?
ecigs work because there are thousands of different choices on the current market.
A medicinal ecig would be boring and will not work kind of like how a gas station cigalike is boring and doesn't work. - 5150



Under Ground Hustler
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The NHS budget would no longer be needed and these Public Health Nazis would have to get real jobs.
The ones who lied to the public could also be brought up on criminal charges and imprisoned.
At the very least Smokers who decided not to quit because these Tobacco Control Nazis told them under the guise of being a "Public Health Authority" that vaping was just as bad as smoking and ended up getting a smoking related diseases should file class action lawsuits against the ANTZ personally.
I'd enjoy that very much.:)


Under Ground Hustler
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"What the FUCK... that's a truly stupid sentence" is my first thought.

"Don't be a fucking child" is my second.

Get some sleep... or an education. o_O

I don't understand how or why someone would be complaining about the NHS budget when it concerns vaping anyway.

You don't think they would get less of a budget if they only have 25% of the people using their service in a few years and it is determined that 75% of their regular clients are vaping instead?

I wonder why they want to make vaping medicinal so bad?


Under Ground Hustler
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I'm lost... are you throwing out random numbers or are you under the impression the NHS exists primarily to deal with tobacco related illnesses?

I got the nhs confused with the alphabet soup group that offers quit lines and smoking cessation programs.
Which is that one since Im obviously not from the UK?


Under Ground Hustler
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I'm not either but we could ask Conan. :p

BTW... good answer. :D

So back to the article... I can't figure out what the fuck does it have to do with M. Freeman?
There's no accredited quotes, no cites. Search finds no other source. A celeb on our side would be a good thing.

If it's the coincidental name of the article's author... putting it in the headline is not the norm for that site. In fact, it might be the only instance.

That's called clickbait. :mad:

I noticed that too (The clickbait:mad:)
Maybe it was written by Martin Freeman (or by an average Joe of the same name) but like you said, who knows?

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