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MBV Bottle - plastic breaking down(?)


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I bought a lot of juices from MBV when I got into vaping.
Then when I started doing DIY, I was using those bottles for mixing.
They seem like nice bottles that hold up well to e-liquids
I am fairly certain that MBV's larger sizes are made from LDPE, but the smaller 30ml bottles seem to be made from a bit softer plastic.

Anyway, I recently noticed one of the 30ml bottles forming bubbles in the plastic.

Those are *not* air bubbles in the liquid. They seem to be bubbles forming in between the layers of plastic.
I have been using this bottle pretty frequently while in school for the past few months, filling it up from larger bottles to take with me. I would take several bottles with me and leave some in the car and keep one bottle in my pocket to use. While in the car they would be subjected to the heat of the sun, while in my pocket, it would bounce around with my sigelei 100 watt. 5 different bottles were subjected to this treatment. But so far this is the only one showing these bubbles. I also have bottles of MBV that have been sitting in my closet for months and they aren't showing the bubbling either. The bottle doesn't seem any softer then any other 30 ml bottles either.

What do all of you think?
Could it be the plastic breaking down from the e-liquid?
Since it is the only bottle out of 2 dozen to show this, could it just be a defect?
Perhaps this bottle just had rougher treatment then the others and that caused it?
Anybody else use MBV bottles and experience this?


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I personally don't care for Plastic Bottles and I DYI my juice goes into Glass . I have a few Favorite juice Vendors and they give you the choice Of Glass or plastic.

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VU Donator
Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
If you're getting plastic breakdown I'd just toss the bottle. I'll re-use plastic bottles for my own personal mixes, but only a dozen times or so - when you can get 'em for less than 50 cents, I figure that's getting my money's worth...


VU Donator
Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I wasn't impressed with mbv bottles but they were quick and cheap so yeah.


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I would tend to suspect heat more so than the juice being the cause of this issue. If that particular bottle happened to have very minute air pockets, the heat could have caused them to expand to the point they became visible to the naked eye.

Just a thought but it seems unlikely that your e-liquid would be caustic enough to break down the plastic.

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