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Meet the Women Taking Back Vaping From the Bros


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Very interesting read. I can relate to much of what was said. Thanks for posting!


Under Ground Hustler
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I agree with the story as well.

If you want to see strippers you go to an establishment that has them.

That establishment should never be a place that was supposed to be designed to get smokers to switch to a safer alternative, a place where a hobbyist can find out about the newest gear, a place where vendors can show off the newest products, and a place where old friends who may only know each other from online or see each other once or twice a year that have helped one another quit smoking can meet and hang out.

These women would surely rather not be half naked at these conventions if it was not required for the job.


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Funny to see the most anti social, bloated, bo infused sacks of humanity chucking clouds next to a chick wearing almost nothing.... the message is not that they arrived but had to hire said chick.

I should add with them being so anti social, the have to hire the chicks to get them to talk to them.... closest thing to a nekkid chick they will coy up with outside of a strip club, their lair of self abuse and internet porn.
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I've seen female vapers in the US who weren't paid models; they are a good match to the men at these conventions... Hired eye candy is needed...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I think this is a bit of some woman trying to gin up a niche market,more than anything else...for those who've vaped before the advent of the..."What tank gives me the biggest clouds bro" bullshit....we knew plenty of women vapers,learned from plenty of women vapers..on this forum there are plenty of experinced women vapers..there are tons of women E-juice makers,and vendors,and reviewers.....but her gripe could also be said of...old wrinkled male vapers without tattos and plugs in their ears....the whoke vape meet crap with women running around half dressed is not the rule of vaping...most vapers I've known have never been to a vape meet and have no intrest in being locked in a room with a bunch of chubby tattooed kids blowing massive clouds of captian crunch, and red bull e juice in their faces....
The crap this woman is talking about is a cliche and a marketing ploy...most of the people I know who vape...were smokers desperately trying to get off cigarettes...they came in all sizes,genders,ages,and colors most of them were older over say 35...they were people who smoking had had some serious effects on their health.Vaping was stupid and ridiculous a joke back then and only the truly desperate were into it.people who knew smoking was going to kill them....unlike now the perfect vape was the one that most closely mimiced smoking....
When RDAs came out yeah it was mostly men,but mostly it is men who smoke...and it is mostly men who work in blue collar jobs who use tools and build things with their hands, and so building was no big challenge for them....but then I can't tell you how many men I've seen walk into a B&M and pay money for someone to build them a simple coil for a dripper....
Sure the male adolecent my cloud is bigger than your cloud crowd are going to want to go places were they can be titlated by some half naked girl....but they are not a fair reprsentation of who vapers are......They are just the most visible and the most gullible market to sell crap to. For instance I'm an old school genny vaper..I don't vape anything except gennys....I have almost nothing in common with todays vaping Bro.....but there are still alot of us around,we just don't hang much on sites like VU,because there aren't alot of genheads here, that doesn't mean we don't exist.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I agree with the story as well.

If you want to see strippers you go to an establishment that has them.

That establishment should never be a place that was supposed to be designed to get smokers to switch to a safer alternative, a place where a hobbyist can find out about the newest gear, a place where vendors can show off the newest products, and a place where old friends who may only know each other from online or see each other once or twice a year that have helped one another quit smoking can meet and hang out.

These women would surely rather not be half naked at these conventions if it was not required for the job.
If these wome rather not be half naked...then don't take the job..99.99999999999999% of women have jobs where they aren't half naked's not a real challenge to find a job you get to wear underwear at....


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I've seen female vapers in the US who weren't paid models; they are a good match to the men at these conventions... Hired eye candy is needed...
exactlly I don't frequent strip clubs....but I don't have a problem with people going to them.that's their bussiness.Not everyone has the same sexual attitudes and taboos.


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The truth of the matter is that sex sells. It's always been that way. It will ever be that way. To demand otherwise one might as well demand no rain on Halloween. Here's another (unsubstantiated, because I'm not going to look it up) "factoid": Read an article, years ago, where studies showed that the same hot babe images that sold product to men also apparently sold it to women. Whereas beefcake images? Drove men away and had little positive influence on marketing to the female demographic.

Not that their complaints are without merit, I'm just saying that they can be as righteously offended as they want: It ain't gonna change the fact that what sells product is what marketers will use.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The truth of the matter is that sex sells. It's always been that way. It will ever be that way. To demand otherwise one might as well demand no rain on Halloween. Here's another (unsubstantiated, because I'm not going to look it up) "factoid": Read an article, years ago, where studies showed that the same hot babe images that sold product to men also apparently sold it to women. Whereas beefcake images? Drove men away and had little positive influence on marketing to the female demographic.

Not that their complaints are without merit, I'm just saying that they can be as righteously offended as they want: It ain't gonna change the fact that what sells product is what marketers will use.
it's funny though ...high end vape gear doesn't use sex to sell their products, never have. sex sells to a certain mindset.

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