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Metals: Do we have to be wary with ecigs aerosols?


Under Ground Hustler
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"As often, their “subjects” are from earlier generations of e-cigarettes. Here, they got interested in some cartomizer models available on the market between 2009 and 2014. Cartomizers are e-cigarettes were the atomizer and cartridge are combined into a single unit; they are probably not the best e-cigarette ever but they are characteristic of the market in the early 2010s. Since then, several improvements have been made but the problems of aerosol contamination by trace metals remains of actuality."

I guess if you haven't just busted out a carto last sold in 2014 to use then you are OK then? - 5150


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Well, if you're buying what Joe's selling on Mod Envy, cartos are still the #1 seller industry-wide considering that gas station disposables are probably beating out high-end mods 10-to-1 with the crowd that either doesn't know or doesn't care to do their research online...I guess we're safe, though!

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