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Mod need 70+


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I have an ipv mini 2. Love it with my Herekles but I bought an Atlantis 2 and need a mod for it. Is there anything comparable to an ipv mini 2 (single battery) or should I just hop to a double battery mod?


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Id double it up for better batt life.


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I'd go dual battery, maybe a Sig 150? If you're running at that kind of power, you'll burn through single batteries like mad...


The Road Warrior
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Ok, I've been trying to type up a simple way of explaining how a series box mod does what it does and it's pros and cons over a parallel regulated box mod and here's the gist of it all and how it works.....

It's confusing I know :confused:

However, you can only push so many watts from a single battery, even in a regulated device. By running two batteries in series like the Sig's and IPV's do you double the voltage, cutting the amount of amperage needed in half allowing you to get much higher wattages out of higher resistance builds at lower amp drain levels increasing your runtime. Remember, battery life is measured in Milliamp hours (mah) or how long it takes to drain one amp from a battery. If you have a 2000 mah battery it takes 2 hours to drain the battery drawing current from it at a rate of 1 amp or 1 hour to drain the battery at a continuous drain of 2 amps. The "max continuous amp drain rating" is the top speed you can draw current from a battery. for example if your 2000 mah battery has a continuous drain rating of 10 amps then it can safely drain that 10 amps of current for .2 hours or 12 minutes before the battery is completely discharged.

So how does voltage play into this? While think of water coming out of a garden hose....

If you just have the water rushing out of the hose it builds up pressure as it travels from the faucet and comes shooting out in a stream at the end. Lets say that your hose turned on half way is a single 4.2 volt battery. The amount of water running threw the hose is the current and the force at which it leaves the end of the hose is the voltage. A single battery regulated mod is like blocking part of the end of your hose with your finger to get a more powerful stream of water. Although you can focus and control the pressure and speed at which the water leaves the hose with your hand you can only do so to a certain point before you cannot get anymore force out of the water stream.

Now, by running two 4.2 volt batteries in series you double the voltage without doubling the mah rating...or, in the case double the pressure of the water leaving the hose without increasing the of the amount of water running through it from the faucet...

You do this by attaching a spray gun to the end of your hose. You haven't increased the amount of water from the faucet or the pressure at which the water is moving to the end of the hose (mah/amp drain limit,) but by putting a spray gun on the your hose you bottleneck the flow of water more effectively than just with your hand (using two batteries instead of one,) doubling the pressure (voltage) and speed (wattage) at which it leaves the hose without increasing the amount of water flowing threw your hose from the faucet (mah/drain limit.) The spray gun allows you to shoot a much tighter, more powerful stream of water (higher wattage) without increasing the amount of water used making your hose more efficient that it was before without the spray nozzle just partially regulating the flow by covering part of the opening with your finger (single battery setup)

Again, it's not a perfect analogy, it's quite flawed I know but it serves the purpose to demonstrate how a series box mod works.

A parallel box mod in comparison would be like turning the water up to full power at the faucet (double the mah/amp limit.) You've doubled the amount of the water (amp current) running threw hose so water is flowing at twice the speed (amp drain) but at the same amount of force (voltage) before as it's still traveling threw the same garden hose. Again, here your finger would be regulating the water stream but since the water would be flowing now with twice the current (mah/amp drain) it would produce a more powerful stream of water (higher wattage) even by using just your hand to control it as we have the faucet turned up to full power (double the mah/amp drain) even though it has the same amount of force (voltage) leading up to the end of the hose as it did at half half power running from the faucet.

Again, it's not a perfect analogy, it's quite flawed I know but it serves the purpose to demonstrate how a parallel box mod works.

I am too tired to be trying to explain such complicated things right now and I took way too long trying to write this little bit so @OBDave ,if my dyslexia has kicked in without me realizing it please edit and correct this as I tried my best. using these crude analogies I hopefully helped explain why single battery devices have usually have the wattage limits they do and why you need at least a dual battery device in either configuration to safely produce the higher wattage in question here. Honestly, in either configuration in a regulated device there are pro's and con's to using either setup. I am not here to debate those finer points, just trying to share a basic understanding of how they work. But for all practical and economical purposes....regulated box mods in a series configuration are the more common and practical of the two right now on the market as you can generally build at higher resistances with a series box mod and still achieve higher wattage with a lesser amp drain which is good with the current batteries we have ease of access to on the market at the moment.

The other reason I recommend a Sigelei 150 or even an IPV 3 (even though I only have the Sig, their chipsets are simular and based of the same basic design and tweaked specifically for each respective mod,) is because even though something like an OKR or Raptor Hammond box mod does the job quite well, the user interfaces on these devices are much less informative, as some can be as simple as just a potentiometer with no setting "markings" around it to identify the power level you have it set at. These devices are set purely by taste and require an external volt meter if one isn't built in to know what you're output level is.... and if you want to see the numbers as some of us love to know they can drive you crazy till you adjust to their way of doing things :)

Ok, I done trying to esplain thingies now, I am getting my blankie and my snoopy and taking a nap. Goodnight and sweet dreams y'all :)


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@madmonkey is off to a really good start here, though some editing could certainly clear things up...unfortunately I've got a column due tomorrow, a news piece due tonight, an interview tomorrow morning to prep for, and a big contribution to next week's cover story that I need to crank out...unfortunately unless someone wants to pay my usual fee for a re-write it'll probably be a day or two to get to it, though I will.


The Road Warrior
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@madmonkey is off to a really good start here, though some editing could certainly clear things up...unfortunately I've got a column due tomorrow, a news piece due tonight, an interview tomorrow morning to prep for, and a big contribution to next week's cover story that I need to crank out...unfortunately unless someone wants to pay my usual fee for a re-write it'll probably be a day or two to get to it, though I will.

I just got up for a quick vape and back to sleep. It was meant to be a very crude and basic analogy...I will revise and edit tomorrow when I can spell "tomorrow" :D

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