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More Grant Seeking Pseudoscience - Chemical flavorings found in e-cigarettes linked to lung disease


Under Ground Hustler
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Since most of the health concerns about e-cigarettes have focused on nicotine, there is still much we do not know about e-cigarettes. In addition to containing varying levels of the addictive substance nicotine, they also contain other cancer-causing chemicals, such as formaldehyde, and as our study shows, flavoring chemicals that can cause lung damage,” said study co-author David Christiani, Elkan Blout Professor of Environmental Genetics.
This study was supported by an NIH/NIEHS Center grant.

"We don't know now so we need more grant money to tell you we don't know again next year when we ask for more grant money again"

Scientists are known to lie and/or bend the truth to get more funding (aka keep their 6 figure salaries flowing)

Notice how only the "child friendly" flavors seem to be the culprits in this study but they do not name the worst offenders who really don't have kid friendly labels or flavor profiles.
(Like 5p)

Tobacco & Menthol are the most child enticing flavors on the planet.
Anyone here get hooked on cigarettes using any other flavor than these two? - 5150


Under Ground Hustler
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From the actual study:

Sampling Protocol
"The goal of the sampling protocol was to estimate the total mass of diacetyl, 2,3-pentanedione and acetoin emitted from each cartridge. Each e-cigarette was inserted into a sealed chamber attached to a lab-built device that drew air through the e-cigarette for eight seconds at a time with a resting period of 15 or 30 second between each draw (Figure 1). Eight seconds was chosen to make certain that each draw had adequate time for the entire contents to be forced out of the smoking device and through the sampling media."

Of course the "smoking machine" was used to take a super long puff so the last 4 of the 8 seconds was cooked eliquid and wick.
After the 1st few draws it was probably burnt hit city from that point on.

Who here can take an EIGHT SECOND hit and does so each and every time they vape?

Using non real world lab studies is in no way a predictor of real world use - 5150

The Study - PDF File:


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You the the guy who writes the check .......Great, so tell us what do you want the truth to be and we'll make it up for


Under Ground Hustler
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Who here can take an EIGHT SECOND hit and does so each and every time they vape?

Not trying to minimize your point, but I do. I still only vape a nautilus at 1.8 or 1.6 ohms and often draw until the ten second limit on my MVP shuts it down. I think I could chain vape every 30 seconds without drying the coil out.

That said, of course there are "potentially harmful" chemicals in my vape. Still much fewer and smaller quantities then the harmful chemicals that were in my cigs.


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I never paid much attention, so just now I timed it. Got a brand new Tobeco Super Tank Mini, here, with their .5Ω coil in it. 30W on the eVic-VTC Mini. Have a 15/75 liquid in there. Air is about halfway open. Four (4) seconds, and that was pushing it a mite. (Tries it again... this time watching the computer's clock...) Yup: Four (4) seconds.

@Time's ways aside: I can't imagine most people drawing for eight (8) seconds. And mind you: I bet that's eight seconds from off-the-shelf, honest-to-goodness e-cigarettes, not vaping tanks and mods. I can just imagine how burnt those have to be getting.


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Not trying to minimize your point, but I do. I still only vape a nautilus at 1.8 or 1.6 ohms and often draw until the ten second limit on my MVP shuts it down. I think I could chain vape every 30 seconds without drying the coil out.

That said, of course there are "potentially harmful" chemicals in my vape. Still much fewer and smaller quantities then the harmful chemicals that were in my cigs.
Even if you inhaled a 30ml bottle and held it in for 8 seconds you would still be inhaling less Diacetyl and Acetoin than true cigarette(s)


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@Time's ways aside: I can't imagine most people drawing for eight (8) seconds. And mind you: I bet that's eight seconds from off-the-shelf, honest-to-goodness e-cigarettes, not vaping tanks and mods. I can just imagine how burnt those have to be getting.

I'm sorry, you can't compare subohm to higher ohm vaping and while you may have skipped a step or don't remember the pre subohm tank days, most decent off the shelf tank/clearo coils wick 50/50 juice quite well. I highly doubt the "researchers" were subohming with max VG. ;)


Under Ground Hustler
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I'm sorry, you can't compare subohm to higher ohm vaping and while you may have skipped a step or don't remember the pre subohm tank days, most decent off the shelf tank/clearo coils wick 50/50 juice quite well. I highly doubt the "researchers" were subohming with max VG. ;)

Who knows what the researchers were using and in what device they were using it in.
My guess would be in a quest for "we need more (FUNDING) studies" they probably used the highest VG juice with the shittiest CE4 set to 6 volts.


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Who knows what the researchers were using and in what device they were using it in.
My guess would be in a quest for "we need more (FUNDING) studies" they probably used the highest VG juice with the shittiest CE4 set to 6 volts.

Sure. But they didn't find anything that we didn't already know. Low levels of formaldehyde and diketones. I'd expect them to find that without burning cotton. And it's quite possible to do 8 second draws 30 seconds apart without burning cotton. I do it every day.

I think their results are fine and the rhetoric is bad. There results show lower levels than cigs. That's a good thing and they are spinning it as a bad thing.


Under Ground Hustler
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Sure. But they didn't find anything that we didn't already know. Low levels of formaldehyde and diketones. I'd expect them to find that without burning cotton. And it's quite possible to do 8 second draws 30 seconds apart without burning cotton. I do it every day.

I think their results are fine and the rhetoric is bad. There results show lower levels than cigs. That's a good thing and they are spinning it as a bad thing.

Also We, US (The Vaping Community) already crowdfunded this same study with Dr Farsalinos over a year ago.
This was just a huge waste of funding.
They found diketones at levels mostly deemed safe for inhalation.
They found amounts that were way less then our crowdfunded study did.
So if anything the vaping industry as a whole is improving which is a good thing.

Get used to extreme vape bashing by Big Pharma as they try to get their way through the FDA's deeming Ban.

Let's be real it's an FDA BAN of vapor products.

The whole thing will be settled in court just like the Njoy/Sotera FDA BAN attempt was.
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8 seconds is a long draw? Really? What are you guys Tiny Puffers?


Under Ground Hustler
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8 seconds is a long draw? Really? What are you guys Tiny Puffers?

Subohm tanks at 60 watts make that kind of not fun.
Warm 3 second draws with massive flavor is where it's at. :)


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Subohm tanks at 60 watts make that kind of not fun.
Warm 3 second draws with massive flavor is where it's at. :)
I can't possibly fill my lungs in 3 seconds; no matter the wattage or ohms...


Under Ground Hustler
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You are right.
at 480 degrees and 45 watts it takes at least 5 seconds to take a full hit.
I don't believe for one second the study tested for burnt hits.
We avoid those like the plague.
I think I may have gotten 3 this year.
All trying to be cool with my hammond/raptor mod.:oops:

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