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Most adults surveyed don't know e-cigarette use deposits nicotine on indoor surfaces


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OK First this bullshit abstract leads to this bullshit survey from 2014:

"To determine how often and why young adults use e-cigarettes, researchers surveyed a random sample of 3,253 adults in September 2013. Eighty-eight percent completed the survey. Eight percent were young adults ages18-24 years old, and 22 percent were parents.

Participants were asked if they had heard of electronic cigarettes and if they had ever tried them. They also were asked if they currently smoke cigarettes or if they had smoked in the past.

Results showed that 13 percent of parents had tried electronic cigarettes, and 6 percent reported using the devices in the past 30 days. In addition, 45 percent of parents who had tried electronic cigarettes and 49 percent who reported using them in the past 30 days had never smoked regular cigarettes, or were former smokers."

OK So let me check my math skills on this one.
(Normal people just see large percentages without even trying to figure out what they mean.)

3,253 adults
Eighty-eight percent completed the survey.

That is 2863 adults

Eight percent were young adults ages 18-24 years old, and 22 percent were parents.

This is where Dr. McMillen pulls his mathematical trickery.

8% of 2863 adults = 229 "young" adults 18 to 24 years old (Why this matters? Who knows?)

22% of the 2863 adults were parents

NOW WE ARE DOWN TO 630 adult parents

Results showed that 13 percent of parents had tried electronic cigarettes, and 6 percent reported using the devices in the past 30 days.

13% of the 630 adult parents = 82 people have tried vaping at least ONCE in their lifetime

6 percent reported using the devices in the past 30 days.

6% of 630 adult parents = 38 Adult Parents vaped (at least once) in the last 30 days

45 percent of parents who had tried electronic cigarettes and 49 percent who reported using them in the past 30 days had never smoked regular cigarettes, or were former smokers.

Seems like a lot when you just catch that last sentence huh?

45% of 82 adult parents who tried vaping at least once in their lifetime (aka 37 adult parents) "had never smoked regular cigarettes, or were former smokers"

49% of 38 Adult Parents vaped (at least once) in the last 30 days (aka 19 fucking people!!!) "had never smoked regular cigarettes, or were former smokers."

When you tack "or were former smokers" on to your numbers you are adding people who have used vaping to quit smoking. You know the fucking GOAL of public heath????

"This study has two alarming findings," said lead author Robert C. McMillen, PhD, associate professor, Social Science Research Center, and coordinator, Tobacco Control Unit, Department of Psychology, Mississippi State University. "First, the risks of e-cigarette use and exposure to vapor are unknown, yet many parents report using these electronic cigarettes to reduce harm to others. Second, half of current users are nonsmokers, suggesting that unlike tobacco harm-reduction products, e-cigarettes contribute to primary nicotine addiction and to renormalization of smoking behaviors."

That sounds really scary but when HALF is 19 fucking people who "had never smoked regular cigarettes, or were former smokers." it doesn't really mean dick does it?

... and it REALLY doesn't mean dick when they never even bothered to ask if the vapers used nicotine to start with does it?

How does this utter bullshit pass peer review?
Are the "peers" 8 years old or something?

"This study has two alarming findings," said 5150sick of Vaping Underground "First, when you use numbers to trick people you do not have the numbers to back up what you were studying to start with.
Second when you don't even bother to ask about whether or not the people you are surveying use nicotine (as 60% of teens do not) you really can not say a god damn thing about whether or not vaping leads to nicotine addiction and to renormalization of smoking behaviors"


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Member For 3 Years
How does this utter bullshit pass peer review?
Simple: The "peers" have a world view that won't allow them to question something that casts any "tobacco product" in a negative light.

Now if they were doing actual science, they would attempt to measure and quantify the amount of nicotine deposited on environmental surfaces and then maybe compare that "hazard" to the nicotine levels in, say, the tomato sauce on a pizza. But they won't do that, because there's a good chance it would destroy the argument that vaping should be restricted by "rules".

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