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This is for those that play instruments. Buttons are not instruments. PeeCees are not instruments.
Turntables are not Instruments.

Do you Play?

OK, I'll start:

Me Bang Drums

The collection is perty big. Lots of acoustic and electronic drummy stuff...

Right now, I keep it kinda small 'cause I don't like carrying around more than I need.

Shells: Pearl Pro MPX (mid-90's)
They sound nice even with dead heads.

22"x14" Bass
14"x6 1/2" free-floating brass snare
14x14 toms

All Zildjian cymbals:
15" new beat hi-hats (1977)
26" heavy ride (1971) "my baby"
22" swish (early 70's)

Well that's what I'm using currently in the Allman Brothers tribute...
Any drummists out there? What heads do you like?

Guitar/Bass/Synth/Hammond/Piano guys chime in!!!
This is for those of us who play.

Show us your performances!
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I play piano. :rolleyes:

I have a digital Yamaha in my living room (I can't ever remember the model for the life of me). Really miss having a standup or my baby grand. It's really not the same playing a digital piano versus a real one... but it's better than nothing :)

robot zombie

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Member For 4 Years
I'm a guitarist by default. I've been playing that for the longest - 12 years, now. I'm a sloppy mess of a guitarist, but I never put the thing down. I may never practice, but I always play, usually for at least 3-4 hours a day, all in all.

I have two mid-tier guitars that I cherish like close family. One is a Frankenstein Ibanez RG series that I constructed from the remnants of several Ibanez guitars 8 years ago. I wired everything myself and put a lot of time and love into setting it up to play just how I like. Looks like a bit of a beater, but it's secretly a jazz/metal machine. It'll always be my favorite, though my other guitar, the Schecter C-1 is much more well-rounded.

Unfortunately, I'm running them through a Line 6 spider II 150w and matched 4x12 cab. I've learned to coax all sorts of nice tones out of it over the years, though, so I don't mind it. I don't know why Line 6 amps get so much hate. They're decent amps for what you pay. They're great player's amps. If anything, it's taught me the meaning of "finger-tone."

I also have a scarlett 2i2, which is my favorite piece of equipment. I can run my instrument-level signal from my guitar into my computer with it and craft any sound I want from the raw signal in real time. That probably has a lot to do with why I'm not amp or pedal crazy like a lot of guitarists tend to be. I find that all I need is a guitar that has some decent pickups and a cozy feel to it to dial-in pretty much any tone I could want. Amp, cab, and room emulation has come a VERY long way in the past decade.

I dunno, never been much of a gearhead. I tend to pick one piece of equipment to dive into and make my own.

I have a 40-key Novation usb midi keyboard that I like to play on a lot, too. The key's aren't weighted at all, so it's not much more than a toy. I'm also not any good at it, but I'm working on that. My guitarist instinct is to mostly use my left hand. I'm trying to break myself of that and get more of an even exchange between both hands going on.

My grandmother has a standup piano that I love to play on. It brings things out of me that don't come out on the plastic toy. I agree danny, nothing beats the feel and timbre of a real piano. I'm still trying to get her to sell me that piano. She sadly has severe rheumatoid arthritis and can't really play on it anymore. I think it has too much sentimental value for her to let it go, which I can understand.

I also play the voicebox for kicks. Bass guitar too, when I can borrow one, that is!

I would pick up the drums if I had room for a kit. I may get a digi kit just to have something to knock around a bit when I can afford to.

These days, I'm interested in producing my own music. I'm not much of a performance-oriented player. I love to jam with other musicians, but the thing I enjoy most about playing music is being in a space that is my own to explore as I wish to. I highly value the intimacy of solitary musical exploration. Those are holy moments for me. I'd like to be able to capture the things I'm playing and hearing during those moments in their truest form so that I can share them with people. I want to catch a fairy in a bottle just to prove to the world that it exists.

The reason I want to play multiple instruments has to do with the fact that the music I'm auralizing at this point in my endeavors covers everything and executing it all properly will require a deeper practical understanding of the nuances of multiple instruments. I think I've got enough going on up there to write, track, and produce my own music. That's the more down-to-earth side of my musical dreams, anyway. So maybe I'll post some stuff up when I get my shit together a bit. :p

Jesus, I did not mean for this to be an essay. Sorry guys!
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Gold Contributor
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I'm a guitarist by default. I've been playing that for the longest - 12 years, now. I'm a sloppy mess of a guitarist, but I never put the thing down. I may never practice, but I always play, usually for at least 3-4 hours a day, all in all.

I have two mid-tier guitars that I cherish like close family. One is a Frankenstein Ibanez RG series that I constructed from the remnants of several Ibanez guitars 8 years ago. I wired everything myself and put a lot of time and love into setting it up to play just how I like. Looks like a bit of a beater, but it's secretly a jazz/metal machine. It'll always be my favorite, though my other guitar, the Schecter C-1 is much more well-rounded.

Unfortunately, I'm running them through a Line 6 spider II 150w and matched 4x12 cab. I've learned to coax all sorts of nice tones out of it over the years, though, so I don't mind it. I don't know why Line 6 amps get so much hate. They're decent amps for what you pay. They're great player's amps. If anything, it's taught me the meaning of "finger-tone."

I also have a scarlett 2i2, which is my favorite piece of equipment. I can run my instrument-level signal from my guitar into my computer with it and craft any sound I want from the raw signal in real time. That probably has a lot to do with why I'm not amp or pedal crazy like a lot of guitarists tend to be. I find that all I need is a guitar that has some decent pickups and a cozy feel to it to dial-in pretty much any tone I could want. Amp, cab, and room emulation has come a VERY long way in the past decade.

I dunno, never been much of a gearhead. I tend to pick one piece of equipment to dive into and make my own.

I have a 40-key Novation usb midi keyboard that I like to play on a lot, too. The key's aren't weighted at all, so it's not much more than a toy. I'm also not any good at it, but I'm working on that. My guitarist instinct is to mostly use my left hand. I'm trying to break myself of that and get more of an even exchange between both hands going on.

My grandmother has a standup piano that I love to play on. It brings things out of me that don't come out on the plastic toy. I agree danny, nothing beats the feel and timbre of a real piano. I'm still trying to get her to sell me that piano. She sadly has severe rheumatoid arthritis and can't really play on it anymore. I think it has too much sentimental value for her to let it go, which I can understand.

I also play the voicebox for kicks. Bass guitar too, when I can borrow one, that is!

I would pick up the drums if I had room for a kit. I may get a digi kit just to have something to knock around a bit when I can afford to.

These days, I'm interested in producing my own music. I'm not much of a performance-oriented player. I love to jam with other musicians, but the thing I enjoy most about playing music is being in a space that is my own to explore as I wish to. I highly value the intimacy of solitary musical exploration. Those are holy moments for me. I'd like to be able to capture the things I'm playing and hearing during those moments in their truest form so that I can share them with people. I want to catch a fairy in a bottle just to prove to the world that it exists.

The reason I want to play multiple instruments has to do with the fact that the music I'm auralizing at this point in my endeavors covers everything and executing it all properly will require a deeper practical understanding of the nuances of multiple instruments. I think I've got enough going on up there to write, track, and produce my own music. That's the more down-to-earth side of my musical dreams, anyway. So maybe I'll post some stuff up when I get my shit together a bit. :p

Jesus, I did not mean for this to be an essay. Sorry guys!

Howdy RZ!
It's OK to do an essay.
You sound just like me and my cohorts back in the early eighties, except without the book...
Keep the dream alive, my friend!
Then, you'll realize that if you wanna play, you'll have to do what it takes.
That doesn't mean that you have to get hooked-up with some tribute band or anything.....

Here are the rules:
1. Don't be a Pussy
2. Don't fuck up

Pretty simple ain't it?
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TF Vaping

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Only song I have, I deleted my others, and need to make more. sorry if Christian music isn't your thing.
Mothers request, can't tell her no.
Don't look under the Bridge
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Unfortunately, this band is no more. RIP James Davis, Hammond Master!
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Wrote/recorded that about three years ago. I do everything. I'm mainly a guitar player but I play bass and do vocals as well. I do all the drums on DrumkitFromHell on a midi editor in REAPER. My recording/mix quality has vastly improved since then. I haven't uploaded anything new in a long time though,maybe I'll mix down some songs soon.


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Wrote/recorded that about three years ago. I do everything. I'm mainly a guitar player but I play bass and do vocals as well. I do all the drums on DrumkitFromHell on a midi editor in REAPER. My recording/mix quality has vastly improved since then. I haven't uploaded anything new in a long time though,maybe I'll mix down some songs soon.
Yeah I can hear that there ain't a drummer. The mix is badass!
I dig the guitar and bass work! Really. You have some good chops and tone goin' on there!
Get a drummer. A drummer that knows his shit. A drummer that can control you!


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Only song I have, I deleted my others, and need to make more. sorry if Christian music isn't your thing.
Mothers request, can't tell her no.
Don't look under the Bridge
Dude, Christian music is OK with me!
Rock On Brutha!


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Yeah I can hear that there ain't a drummer. The mix is badass!
I dig the guitar and bass work! Really. You have some good chops and tone goin' on there!
Get a drummer. A drummer that knows his shit. A drummer that can control you!
Thanks! I've played in bands since I was 16,32 now. I was in a touring band for 4 years in my early 20s. We played technical death/math metal. I miss those days,we were so in the pocket together. I grew up playing with the drummer and bassist so we all knew what each other was going to do and just flowed together so naturally. We could bust out an hour long improvised song like we've played it a million times. Got out of the scene too long ago,My best friend/drummer from my that band is a world touring musician now for Inter Arma signed to relapse records. I'm just honing my skill these days until I clique with the right group of guys again. I miss the stage! Long live KILING SCENE. We toured with so many good bands. We opened once for The Dillinger Escape Plan and Psyopus. God,I'm starting another band!!!!


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Dude, Christian music is OK with me!
Rock On Brutha!
Damn right. I used to listen to so many brutal Christian metal bands. I saw Living Sacrifice live 3 times. Embodyment was sick too! I always dug how they sounded so evil the way they played music but the message in the lyrics was all positive. Good stuff. On that note,here is one of my favorite Christian metal songs.

Joshua Iles

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Damn right. I used to listen to so many brutal Christian metal bands. I saw Living Sacrifice live 3 times. Embodyment was sick too! I always dug how they sounded so evil the way they played music but the message in the lyrics was all positive. Good stuff. On that note,here is one of my favorite Christian metal songs.
Have to plus one the living sacrifice, saw them live a couple times, one of the best. Don't get me going on Christian metal bands, I know far too many of them. Played drums myself for years but never had the chops for the aggressive stuff. People tell me I'm really good when i do play, but haven't played in a couple yrs, and I don't believe what people tell me.

Robert B

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I play the Ukulele. Have 7 of them. 3 Kamaka's, 2 Martin's, a George banjo uke, and an steel string les paul uke. I also play the Bugle, a silver Kanstul Bb

Here's two of my Kamaka's Concert & Soprano, and my 1946 Martin Style 1




Robert B

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Show us you performances!

Ha thanks, no, I don't youtube anything. I just play for myself and family. My Brother is a guitarist (acoustics) in Nashville, and we play together when he comes up to visit, but thats about it.

Got my 8 yr old Son learning the piano though, and he loves to perform in front of people, the more the

Sidney piano.jpg


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Yep, I' one o' youse.

I'm a guitarist and a singer for quite some time now. Like decades. I play an Ibanez electric (some model or other, not high end) and a Wechter acoustic/electric. Most recently, I picked up a Fender single 12 as I couldn't justify lugging the 2x12 around any longer. It's good to have a thread where musicians can out themselves. So tp speak.


VU Donator
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This is for those that play instruments. Buttons are not instruments. PeeCees are not instruments.
Turntables are not Instruments.

Do you Play?

OK, I'll start:

Me Bang Drums

The collection is perty big. Lots of acoustic and electronic drummy stuff...

Right now, I keep it kinda small 'cause I don't like carrying around more than I need.

Shells: Pearl Pro MPX (mid-90's)
They sound nice even with dead heads.

22"x14" Bass
14"x6 1/2" free-floating brass snare
14x14 toms

All Zildjian cymbals:
15" new beat hi-hats (1977)
26" heavy ride (1971) "my baby"
22" swish (early 70's)

Well that's what I'm using currently in the Allman Brothers tribute...
Any drummists out there? What heads do you like?

Guitar/Bass/Synth/Hammond/Piano guys chime in!!!
This is for those of us who play.

Show us your performances!
yes I play Guitar , Bass Keyboard and bang drums been playing along long time

robot zombie

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years Hi, so I've been lazy since my last post here. Life happens. But here's something from a while back. I was drunk off of my ass one night when I got a call from an old highschool friend - now a trucker who never sleeps. We had always been really good friends, both guitarists. We got to talking about what we were up to musically, and whatnot. At some point in the conversation, I recorded this and sent it to him. Nothing ever became of it. But it nonetheless exists. I can still recognize the chord shapes, especially on the rhythm, but the feel of the main progression escapes me to this day. I can't tell what of it is natural harmonics and what isn't. It's a chimey mystery tone lost in the repository. He works even more than I do, and I still work too much to keep up with my own ideas. I can't even find this on my HD, even though it is there.

More to come soon, hopefully. My workweek opens up a bit in the spring and I'm hoping to use more of the spare time working on stuff that's driving me crazy right now. I'm trying to strike a difficult balance between having a social life and writing music right now.
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Piano (Classical and Ragtime), violin, viola, double bass, and sand second bass in many choirs (some of which toured).

But piano is my main deal. Also on a digital, but really want a Yamaha studio upright....

R3alJim Shady

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I've played saxophone for a little over 25 years. Played in all the bands in high school, was in a decent ska band for a good while, and just finished a stint in a blues/r&b/soul/funk band. Sang a few songs with them as well.

Not playing very much lately, but having two small kids will do that to you! I plan on getting back to it one day

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Been giggin' with the porta-kit, we're throwing our annual new years party.

The kit is big. The room is ready. Gotta B3, Stereo Rhodes, SH1, RS-09, and a PA.


Oh, I have just been informed that Dweezil has a new album.


vape me

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I used to play the Alto Sax when I was a kid. Fell off of it though and haven't picked it up in years.


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My newest sickness is playing the guitar with the oddest and weirdest Tunings .. Orkney Tuning or CGCDCG ..


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I have played guitar since I was about 15 (now 61) and I still really enjoy it. The arthritis in my hands keeps me from playing as much as I would like so I passed the music gene down to my son. He is 20 yoa now and is a singer/songwriter doing mostly folk music.

vape me

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I wanted to learn how to play the guitar (to get girls, yep), but never got around to it.


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Mainly a bass player. Been playing about 16 years now. Haven't played live or recorded in a few years. Career and family take up a lot of time.

Also play some guitar and dabble in a bunch of other instruments that I had to learn in college.


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I play guitar. I started playing when I was 8 or 9 and I'm 55 now and own 30+ guitars.
I've been in a blues band (Bluesville Junction) for about 10 years.

vape me

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I play guitar. I started playing when I was 8 or 9 and I'm 55 now and own 30+ guitars.
I've been in a blues band (Bluesville Junction) for about 10 years.

Do you have a favorite make and model of guitar? Any suggestions for a newb?


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Do you have a favorite make and model of guitar? Any suggestions for a newb?
I play Gibson Les Paul's and Fender Tele's and Strat's for the most part. Are you looking at electric or acoustic guitars?

vape me

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I'm looking more for acoustic if I get into it.

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