I have both the sub tank and the mutation v4 both are my go to attys. The sub tank for out and about vaping and the mutation for at home clouds. On the mutation i use 22g kanthal dual coils 3mm at .5 ohms for clouds i run it on my sigelei 150w. On my sub tank rba i use 26g kanthal 2mm single coil at .5 ohms and run in on either my sigelei 30w, istick 30w or k box mini 50w mods. Clouds on the mutation are huge and thick, i vape it between 60 and 80 watts. Flavor on the sub tanks is awsome and sclouds are good for a tank atty, i vape thise at 20-25 watts with the rba, the new rba plus i have taken up to 30 watts and can use 80/20 juice. Hope that helps you some.