I think their idea is novel,the postless and velocity deck together,ceramic and ss material together
First of all, adding ceramic in RDA's is IFFY at best because we have no idea what grade of ceramic it is. I don't even trust ceramic as a heating element, I know of tons of instances where inhaling ceramic fumes absolutely FUCKED peoples lungs up. I don't support Rayon either.
Second of all, why make it one post style instead of to? Why take five minutes to fiddle with an RDA to take the posts off or put them on, what difference is it going to make? I'd venture to say you'd be able to fit bigger and better builds in it with the velocity style deck because so far, in RDA's the post-less deck has proven to be hugely gimmicky and it seems to have more cons than benefits.
Thirdly, last time it was bottom airflow, that sucked and nobody used it except the cl0ud br0s who wanted more airflow because they seem to think more air automatically = more clouds. Even with the side airflow closed off, the bottom airflow didn't do as good a job as flavor BAF RDA's like the Freakshow, Mad Hatter and Kennedy.
Forth, STOP Indulgence, just STOP. If you've reached a V5 with a product, it means it's time to scrap it and design something new. They've rode this design until the wheels well off. The differences between the V1 and V2 were great, you got a T block post.. with fucking annoying triangle grub screws. The V2 to V3.. virtually nothing, just no more stupid screws. V3 to V4, the shape of the airflow intake holes changes and they added that gimmicky bottom airflow. V4 to V5, gimmicky top airflow and a pointless swap out post design that has virtually handicapped the juice well.
If you want a GOOD Mutation style RDA, go buy the Mutation 234. It's 24mm, it's a beast, and while it comes with a bunch of posts as well, it's just better suited for the job. A Lush is also a good option.