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Mutation X

Hey guys and galls, I just ordered the Mutation X. I cant wait for it to get here, but im not really sure what coil to use in it. Right now all i have is the Zmax V5 which is maxed at 15w and cant go below 1.2 ohms. Ill be getting the Sigelei 100w later but for now this is what im working with.

So any suggestions on the coil to use to get the most out of it. Im leaning more towards cloud production than flavor (thats what my nautilus is for lol)
I been rocking a dual 5 wrap macro with 24g royal wire. its at about .186ohms and its nice. Only issue i have had with the mutation so far is the center post screw backs out and doesn't set properly. I actually just used a piece or foil to help the threads grab better. So far no problems, hopefully it fixes the issue.

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