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Mutation x3 on Mech...?


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Hey guys

I've had my mutation x3 for a long while now. I grabbed it back with my first mechanical mod which was a paragon clone. It's been a while since then and I've since gotten away from that mod. But ever since I got more mods and attys I've noticed my mutation doesn't perform well on mechanicals... It just seems it doesn't have a proper connection. For instance on my SMPL mod it doesn't touch the battery without unscrewing the connection until it does touch. But when I do get connection... It just doesn't seem to ramp up and fire away like it does with my doge x2...

Any thoughts? When I first got the atty I was having issues getting clouds too and I was so frustrated. I had just bought it! I even thought "maybe I got a DOA?" You know. Maybe it was just one that wasn't done right...? But now I think I'm just crazy and there's a simple reason why. Anyways... Thoughts? I love the atty and on my reg mods it's fantastic.

Cheers - Matt


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Sure here ya go. It's... Dirty. I haven't paid it much attention since I got my doge x2. Poor guy haha


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Yeah, it looks fine to me. Who knows?!
Yeah I'm not sure. I was close to taking it back the day I bought it. Now I'm kinda stuck with it whatever the case. I tried again last night after the post and got it firing on my SMPL. But it's not consistent it will take >5 seconds to start heating up sometimes. It's a head scratcher.


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Might be the build ...I prefer a four wrap build, triple parallel 26 gauge for single positive and quad parallel 28 gauge for double/split positive post. These heat up the quickest. Again 4 wrap for either.


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What build you got on it and whats the ohms and how do they compare to the doge v2?


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On the mutation v2 I have 4 wrap quad parallel on 3mm(split positive post)and on the doge I have triple parallel on 3mm, both ohm in around .1

Mutation heats up quicker due to thinner wire. Doge drip tip heats up quicker due to propietary metal drip tip. I prefer a hot vape, but not burnt lips.


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I have tried all sorts of builds in my mutation. From single 4 wrap to quad parallel. Even claptons. They just don't heat up. Idk what to do with it I like the atomizer when it's on a regulated device but not when I try using a mechanical

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