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My best flavour RDA-seriously.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hi people. Hope your all OK.

I got a micro RDA that only takes one coil from fasttech, in purple, one of these

Now, it had no airflow, so I drilled 4 1.5MM airholes equal distance on all 4 sides so it has more airflow. It now takes a real low build, but I am using a 0.3 at 17 watts, and honestly, where it is so small, it tastes amazing.

I got it as it was the cheapest RDA on there and I had a refund ticket, and before modification had the TINIIEST airhole for airflow, probably 0.2MM in size.

I changed that yesterday, and am really surprised. Used with a small bore tip.

Only thing is you do have to drip every 4 or so tokes, as there is no juice well and it takes up to a ML, but a ML would flood the thing. I just drip direct on my wick, and its worth it for the flavour.


Bronze Contributor
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Yup. I bought one a few months ago and drilled out the single airhole to 2.4mm I think. Amazing value. Fiddly to install the coil but that is expected. I have since given it away and purchased an authentic Vicious Ant Cyclone AFC for 15X the money and roughly the same flavor!

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