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My eoPd Is Not Contagious But…

…I Would Gladly Give It To Anyone Willing To Take It From Me.

What is eoPd? It is early-onset Parkinson's disease.
That may sound cool but in reality, it is just a name for Parkinson's disease in young people.

My name is Bill and I was recently diagnosed with eoPd, after ignoring~denying the symptoms for as long as possible. The disease caused me to lose my job~career as a welder and the diagnosis caused my fiancé to realize that "our lives are diverging toward differing paths."
I plan to start vaping due to the repeated suggestions (not advice) of a doctor, who has informed me of mounting evidence suggesting that nicotine can delay~subdue the effects of Parkinson's.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
@Bill with eoPd,

Hello and welcome to VU.

It hurts me to hear of the life changing challenges you are facing with eoPD, the loss of your job and the loss of your fiancee. I want to assure you there is hope. There is a love for you somewhere. There is meaningful work for you. But I know it's difficult to look into the future when you are feeling at a loss.

I have long heard about the positive effects of nicotine against Parkinsons. I will start a private conversation with you about a supplement I have heard is very effective, which you can try if you want to.

Best of luck and good health to you.
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Cranky Old Fart
VU Donator
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ECF Refugee
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Welcome to VU!

@Bliss Doubt is a great researcher and I'm sure she will find some great info for you. You may want to also check out @Jimi's Daily Health Articles He's been fighting off a stage 4 cancer for over 9 years now without surgery and chemicals. Tons of info in that thread and I'm pretty sure there may be info on Parkinson's in there.

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