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My impressions of TC vaping with SS on a new Uwell crown.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hi everyone.

Yesterday, I received this from a friend in the UK:

I got it cheap, and thoroughly was enjoying it on my OG sig 150.

I then realised the coils I was using were stainless steel-so I thought "Hmm, lets try this"-so got my only mod that can do SS properly-the Xcube 2 as I am STILL waiting for my DNA 200 to be returned, it is in the UK now though, so I suspect it will be here tomorrow or the latest Friday.

I set it to SS in TC mode, and had a pleasant surprise. It was great.

I already have some 26 gauge SS 316L on the way, and am glad I have. I think if it is good to build with-this will be my new favourite wire. I can vape it in wattage mode, PLUS TC mode if I want to go for that.

It seemed to be a very clean tasting vape-not that my other devices don't taste clean, but there was a certain something that I could tell, and this was before reading the instructions and realising it was a SS dual coil in there (BTW the wattage for this thing is insane, 30-ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY! I was trying it at 90 watts, and it was a actual beast).

I have swapped out the drip tip from the original to one of my preference-this is a V1 crown, but I like it.

I never thought I would buy coils for a tank, and only use rebuildables-I already had the RBA ordered for the crown as I knew I was buying it for cheap from him, but these coils were so good I actualy ordered myself some more genuine coils. I also tried a 1.2Ohm single coil, at around 20 watts, they suggest 10-30 watts for this-and it was OK, but a bit anaemic.

I ordered some 0.8Ohm coils to go with it as well, plus some NI200 replacements, but they are for most of my devices, as only the Xcube and current DNA200 does SS, I have a wismec Realaux pre-ordered in the UK, it should be in stock next week, and I will then have enough mods that do SS to make it my main wire of choice.

Overall, I must admit I like the OBS crius slightly better- but the Uwell crown is very high up there for you cloud fans. Where there is so much vapour, with a different drip tip, I found flavour to be very strong as well.

So, if you don't have either tank, get one, either will please you-the OBS crius is entirely rebuildable though, which I like-I understand some like premade coils, so this may be better for you.

SS is the future I feel, no need to change wire for chasing clouds or having a more subtle vape for flavour.

So, thumbs up for both the Crown, and SS.

I must point out one flaw though-my crown is the OG version, so has a very loose drip tip. I hear this is fixed now though-and it is only the drip tip it comes with-my other drip tips fit it snugly and do not fall out.

But yeah, get a Crius if you like rebuilding, a crown if you want pre made coils, or do what I did and get both-and have premade coils and the RBA. If I had to recommend one tank though, by a VERY small margin it would be the crius. I find the juice flow control to be a very good innovation.


VU Donator
Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Great write up. So, can SS normally be run in regular power mode? If I remember correctly, the standard crown coils use SS. Does this mean SS coils can be run in both modes?

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