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Hi my name is Eric, I've been gaping for about 7 months now. That also is 7 months without a cigarette. I started smoking when I was about 14yo because of course I thought it was cool and my friends were doing it so I followed suit. I am now 26 and I couldn't be more confident that Thrre will not be any cigarettes in my future. My parents smoked as well so that never helped from the beginning. Anywho I have quit a few times before without anything else but it never lasted. I had a friend who let me try their eleaf and I knew that could be the thing to really help me stop smoking cigs. Now to the present day I have a sigelei 150 and a snowWolf 200w. I use mostly rda's the haze is my go to with. I love building coils as well which is something I have found very fun and interesting. I have a dual 22g kan with a 30g kan clapton 5 wrap at the moment. Just got some 34 and 36 to mess around with so should be fun. Thanks and I'm looking forward to being a part of the community.
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Welcome to the VU.
Vaping is the way most of us have quit smoking, it works well and gets easer each day to stay off the smokes.


The Road Warrior
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Welcome to VU bud :) I am glad you got yourself a couple of powerhouse box mods to run those builds with and you've been keeping it're way ahead of a lot of people and we're glad to have you here...I hope you kick up your feet and hang out'd be surprised how easy it is to loose hours around here....and I've always got popcorn to share for the entertaining bits :) once again welcome and happy vaping! :)


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Welcome to VU! Glad to have you with us!


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Welcome to the Underground!


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Nice your in the same state as me. I am in what I like to call the Red Headed Step Child Capital of IL (springfield for those that dont know :) ) If your anywhere near Crystal Lake there is a shop called Nixteria. Great juice and an amazing owner.

wow buddy. if you've been gaping for 7 months, you may want to go see a doctor. ;)
just kidding man. congrats on kicking the habit.

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