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My Story So Far...


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Hi all!
I'm approaching my two week anniversary in vaping on Friday. I went from smoking almost 2 packs a day to just 4 a day the first week. This week, however, it just seems like I constantly want a smoke! It's frustrating. When I started I automatically started on 24 mg tobacco flavor ejuice. Within a couple of days I dropped it down to 18 mg and found a wonderful tasting raspberry limade ejuice that just tastes wonderful. By last weekend, I was no longer wanting to even reach for an analog when I first woke up in the morning and didn't have one until around noonish. I tend to vape pretty heavily in the evening too. By the end of the weekend I was at just two analogs a day. AWESOME!! Then Monday morning kicks in and all I can think about is having a smoke! What gives.? I was getting a great taste from vaping but it seemed like the TH was getting weaker and weaker. I make sure I charge up at night before I go to bed, so it's not a weak stick. (I have a Vision Spinner 2 adjusted to 3.8 w) So today it occurred to me that maybe my coils were getting bad as it just seemed like I was getting nothing from them. I had bought two plain jane bottom feeder clearomizers at the vape store when I set up my kit.I figured maybe the coils were about shot. So I went to the vape store tonight and bought two Aspire BVC tanks and a couple of coils for my el cheapos I already had. I changed the coils in my clearomizers and that seems to have done the trick as far as TH and feeding my craving.
It's strange though, everyone told me the coils would give me a burnt taste when they went bad, and that's what I was waiting for but my juice tasted fine, just weak as heck.

Now, I have a question about the Aspire tanks. I noticed that the draw on them is a lot less than my previous clearomizer, and I had a hard time getting a good TH and little flavor from them. Should I dial up the wattage on my stick or up my PG or what? I'm still at 18mg of nic. OR is it just a matter of it's only my second week of vaping and the cravings are starting to kick in? Initially, when I started I hardly had any cravings but this week it seems to be all the time. I don't want to fall off the vaping wagon as I've done so good with it so far. I like my set up and I'm not looking to blow the biggest cloud out there, I just want to eventually give up the ciggs all together.
Any advice?


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So happy that you're sticking with it and coming here to talk about it, instead of giving up. :)

It's normal to get pretty strong cravings out of nowhere. I got them badly at certain markers. 2 weeks, one month, 6-8 weeks, then 90 days really bad. I still get that thought from time to time. The less you give in to a cigarette, the further away you get from them. When we give them up, we also give up all those horrible toxins and chemicals that go along with them. Your body might even go through some weirdness. Everything about you is adjusting to being without smoking, not just the delivery of nicotine.

Stay hydrated to flush all that stuff out of you. Vaping can really keep your mouth dried out, plus staying hydrated can help keep vaper's tongue at bay. That's when you just can't taste your vape for anything, but everything else tastes fine.

Stick with it. You're doing great!!


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Thanks @Huckleberried ! So the cravings are normal, that's actually good to hear! I thought I was just being weak! I really like vaping a lot better than I ever liked smoking and at one time I REALLY liked smoking. Tonight I have put some of my stronger flavors in my tanks hoping to curb those cravings. I have tobacco and coffee (it's really strong) and Black Jellybeans. Maybe I need a break from the fruit but the taste is like heaven.
I try to hold off from the analogs as long as I can. I have a hard time around my lunch hour from work and then again when I get home in the evening. I don't want to drive myself to the point where I want to scratch my eyes out or someone elses as the widthdrawls kind of make me a tad ummm grumpy, to keep it clean. I have noticed, however, that I'm breaking the habit as well as the addiction. I no longer crave a smoke after I eat, nor do I immediately want one when I get up in the morning. I don't even worry about carrying them with me anymore either. PROGRESS!


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MAJOR progress! Don't feel badly about the few you might still have. Think of all those that you didn't smoke! So much health and money saved, not to mention frustration.

It took me nearly a month to put them down completely. You're way ahead!

Scooter 72

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My two cents I've been at this a year come April. I did it's long time ago before it was cool but things have changed alot since back then. But when I started this time. I got a eleaf 30w and a nautilus mini tank. It was ok but not enuff. So I went and got a Atlantis tank. Then a friend give me an eleaf 50w. It was ok. But I was still smoking just couldn't kick it. But then last April they came out with the Uwell crown tank. I caught a DNA 40w on sale with a rda so I grab that up. Its fun stirring around the house but I'm not a travel dripper. But I put that crown on that DNA with the .25 coil set at 40w and that done it. I haven't touched a stinkie since. The uwell crown tank changed it all for me. The flavor everything was just better. So if you can afford it I'd say grab you one. It really made the difference for me. And the ry4 juice from vape tree I give my mom the eleaf 30w and nautilus mini with ry4 and she smoked for 40+ yrs. And she ain't touched a stinkie going on 3 months. With you the best of luck I hope this helps. I no that crown tank was the game changer for me.

have a nice day


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3 things are going to effect TH and its PG content, nic level and the wattage your vaping at. A lot of juices are higher VG these days as well as lower lower nic levels. The third you can control with the gear you use. Dont be afraid to keep the nic level high or use 50/50- blend juices. Some flavors just have a lower TH than others. Higher Pg juices will not produce giant clouds like other go after but who cares if it gets ya off the smokes.

mtbakervapor is a decent place for new vapers to start as they are pretty cheap and give you a fairly high range of nic and ratios and have a wide range of flavors. While its no the best ejuice in the world they have a metric butt-ton of flavors to choose from.

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Congrats on sticking with it! The cravings are something you'll have for a while and then one day, you'll just stop thinking about it. Then after a while someone around you will smoke and it'll be the worse thing you ever smelled.
Trick is to focus in the positive of it.
I dual used; as in smoked a few here and there from October 13 until March of 14, when I smoked my last cigarette.
The draw you can adjust depending on tank. Which aspire? And do you want it tighter or looser?
Throat hit is going to be mostly the nic but pg/vg plays a roll. I normally tell new vapors to stick with 50/50 while they play around.
Just give it time and remember you're bigger than your demons!


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Thank you all, @f1r3b1rd , these are the tanks I bought They are a bottom vertical coil glassomizer? I'm actually getting used to the draw on them, it is way looser than I was used to on my plain ol cartomizer. I did see that it has a 1.8 ohm coil where my cartomizer was a 2.5. I could probably turn up the volts on my spinner, but I was afraid of buring it out.
@Superjeep I have noticed different juices have a different TH, all of my juices are 50/50 except one the store gave me by mistake was PG free, and it's like vaping straight air through a straw. It's a shame too, it's Root Beer Float, I was excited about that one. I was wondering if I bought a bottle of just plain PG, could I add it to that? I got a free sample from Vista Vapors of Coconut that I really love. Extremely good flavor and TH. I ordered a few more flavors from them and a couple more of those Aspire bvc tanks. My cravings aren't so bad today, now that I have the new tanks and changed the atomizers in my other ones. I think I've only had two smokes all day. I've been hanging at 18mg nic, I thought about going up to 24 but I think I'll stay where I am for now. @Scooter 72 all those bigger wattage devices are kind of intimidating to me, but definitely tempting to try. I think I'll wait until I'm a bit more experienced at this before I go there lol. I'm still developing my technique so to speak, and even experimented with straight lung hits, but almost coughed up a lung doing that.
I'd like to thank you all for the advice and encouragement, you all are so helpful and encouraging!

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Yeah well, I apologize but I do t know anything on the inner workings of those tanks.
Best I can tell you is don't be afraid to rip through those coils ever couple days. And stay in the positive-you go this!

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