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My Vaping Voyage


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Ok, going back before Vaping; Started smoking cigs. at a very early age ~14 years. Smoked pretty regular for 30 some years with several times trying to quit...sometimes for a week, month, and once for about a year (age 17).
About 18 months ago I started with a E-cig (very low cost style but with e-juice), and made it five months without smoking a cigg. Left the house one day forgetting my e-cig, and being around smokers, I bummed one...two days later I was smoking again.
Now giving the e-cig another try, this time with a Kanger Subox this little unit! 25 days now with no ciggs.
Joined the Forum because I purchased some DIY E-Juice products and in looking for information about How TO DIY ..ended up here at Vaping Underground and found several informative post.
Wish me luck at making my own..LOL!...My first attempt was less than impressive, however after reading a review here about the Butterscotch Flaver being more of a "Burnt" butterscotch flaver...well, maybe that`s just the way that flaver is ! LOL
Have a great weekend everyone!


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Hello and welcome to the VU.


Obsessive? Who me?
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Welcome to the VU!! As you've already found out, there is much information and many helpful people here. :D

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