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My voyage into vaping. I am very grateful.

Brushy Bill

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Found this site while searching for answers to questions
I had about vaping.
Here is my introduction.

Hello everyone. I am a 57 year old, 41 year smoker.
I was diagnosed 6 years ago with COPD and after seeing
the cost of medications, I did not return to the doctors,
and continued to smoke. The coughing and coughing up of liquids
got so bad, I wondered at times if I could make it another year.
It made it more and more difficult for me to enjoy the things I like to do.

Four weeks ago I purchased an eVic VTC Mini with what they called a "Tron" tank.
I tried it at the shop where I bought it and nearly coughed up a lung.
The owner said, "your just gonna have to find a setting that works for you".

I tried using it that evening and next day, I was wondering if I had wasted
my money.

I was coughing as bad using it as I was when I smoked. It had gotten to the
point where I could barely smoke half a cig without just having to put it out
from coughing so much. Usually, I didn't get that far.

There is another local shop so I went there the third day.
I told the lady that owned it that I wanted to try some juices.
She was happy to help.

Come to find out, there is a doctor at IU in nearby Bloomington that
has been sending some of his COPD patients who were like me, too stubborn
to quit smoking to her so they could get acquainted with vaping.

This gal was incredible. She saw that I was having trouble even vaping the
little pens that they use for taste testing. And, also saw that I was frustrated
and disappointed at it.

She grabbed one for herself and showed me the difference in a mouth to lung
and a lung hit. She also recommended that I not close my lips completely on the tip
and allow air to enter around it as I inhaled, while trying to do a lung hit.

Having that extra air leaning out the vapor really made a difference.
I was able to take two or three hits without coughing. I told her,
this might work. She told me to relax and hit it for a while.

She grabbed her purse, which had at least four mods and tanks in it.
Took one out and changed some settings on it, put my tip on it and said try this.

That first hit was harsh, but it hit so much easier than the pen I was using.
She dropped the wattage a little and I tired again and it was tolerable.

This gal was determined to find something that worked for me.
I left there with a Nautilus tank for the VTC mini and a bottle of spearmint

Five days later, I went to work and the building I work in is nearly 3 blocks
long. I had to walk from one end to the other and back. I was surprised when
I got back that I was not breathing as hard as I normally would. It hit me that
this vaping is working. I was sold on it. Just five days later, I found it hard to

That weekend, I bought for a back-up, an Ileaf istick in 20 watts with the aspire mini

Towards the end of the third week, I was breathing better than I had in 10 years.
I tried the tron tank on the VTC again with the subohm coil and it still seemed harsh,
but was able to hit it a few times.

I took it with me back to the shop and the lady's son was there and he saw I was
running it on wattage mode and had it set too low for the coil that was in it.
He set it up to run in temperature mode and hit it a few times. He passed it back
and I tried it and I couldn't believe the difference.

Three hits in a row, absolutely no discomfort and it really brought out the nicotine.

Here, on the fourth week, I am loving it. There are quirks with the tron tank that
has me ready to try the Kanger subtank mini so that I can start making my own coils.

But I am in no big hurry.
I have been smoking a few cigs through out the last few weeks. They have been
getting further and further apart though. I did up the nicotine level to a 6mg,
and then mixed a 6 and a 12mg.

This has allowed me to vape a few times and get the satisfaction similar to
what it would be when having a smoke.I can then put the vape down for a period of time.

That was one of the draw backs the first couple of weeks. It seemed like I vaped and vaped
in order to have any real satisfaction.

I had mentioned this at the end of the first week to Dawn, the gal who owned the shop and
she told me that after time, I would be able to increase the nicotine level some without
irritating my throat as my breathing improved.

Sure enough that is exactly what happened.

I feel really lucky to have walked into Dawn's shop. Her determination to find something
that works for me, and to help me, has definitely changed the way I feel
everyday when I wake up. I will be forever grateful to her.

I look forward to getting out and doing some canoeing/fishing and camping this spring.
And, seeing some of my eagle friends on one of the local creeks. Something that was
getting more and more difficult due to the COPD.

Sorry folks, didn't set out to write a freaking essay, just happy to finally try vaping.
Thanks for the great forum, I look forward to reading and learning more.





Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Great story - and welcome! So glad you found someone who could work with you and find the right equipment.

Feel free to ask any questions :)


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Wow. I can't tell ya how much I enjoyed reading your intro. I'm really glad you found us and I'm also very grateful to Dawn for you. Your decision to make a change and her help has given you some real freedom. Bless you both.

I'm so stinkin' happy for you!! Welcome to the forum. You're family now :)


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Welcome to VU and vaping! I'm so glad you found that level of support and service! I have that level around my area and consider myself very fortunate, as many folks don't have it. We end up losing vapers back to cigarettes everyday because of poor support/services from poorly staffed vape shops. Congratulations! And welcome again friend!

Brushy Bill

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Thank you VAPEROXX
Without dawn's help, I doubt I could have figured out what I was doing
wrong on my own.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Welcome to VU. If you look around in here you will find people using the same equipment you are using and can find out some good info on it. Also can find good info on other equipment. There is a world of info here and on you tube. Congrats on working your way off the cigarettes. And again welcome to the VU.

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Brushy Bill

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Awesome story, and congrats on the (almost) quit! It's amazing what even a few weeks can do for your health...

Almost is right, but it is getting easier and easier to pass the opportunity to light up.

I have even stopped reaching for my lighter when I start to vape. A few days ago,
I stepped out at work with a friend for a smoke and vape, she laughed and said,
"what are you expecting to do with that?" I looked down and I had my lighter in my
right hand and my mod in my left. We both had a good chuckle.
I am hoping to talk her into letting me pass my 20 watt istick and aspire mini on to her in the near future.
She has seen how much better I feel lately.


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Back when I first started all we had were these awful devices the size and shape of cigarettes that didn't work well at all compared to what's out there now. Not gonna lie, I came within inches of trying to light mine a few times...


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What an amazing story. Congratulations to you on your success. And, thank God for people like Dawn who were able to help you get through the rough spots so that you could continue with vaping. So many give up after trying it the first time. My sister is one of them. I cannot convince her that the coughing will go away within a short time and she will find something that works for her. When I first tried a Vuse cigarette it about killed me with coughing. So harsh (48mg of nic in those) but, I was determined to get used to it since I'd seen people vape without coughing at all. I was sure I could do it too. I kept on trying and little by little I got used to it and now vape with no trouble. I have my little Istick and Nautilus Mini tank now and love it.

We need more people in the vape shops like Dawn who are willing to give their time to help a person get into vaping. All the shops here are only out for money and will send you out the door with anything as long as they've gotten some of your money. The people here are very helpful from what I've seen so I think it's only going to get better for us.


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You started out with some good toys! Good choices. I wasted a LOT of money on little crappy things in the beginning. But the tech has grown SO fast since I started in 2014, and prices are so great now! My first mod after cigalikes was an iTaste 134 mini, which was $80, at the time cheap for that. And yesterday, I got a 60 watt TC device shipped from China for $20. Amazing.


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Congrats Bill. Keep up the good fight. I also have COPD and have quit cigs using e-cigs. I wish I had found someone like Dawn in my adventure with quitting smoking. It would has saved me a lot of money. Keep vaping.

Brushy Bill

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We need more people in the vape shops like Dawn who are willing to give their time to help a person
get into vaping.

Yes Becky, she took the time, and was determined. I have seen many come into her shop who she has helped just like me. She has
many times gone to our state house to talk to representatives on our behalf.
Thank you Becky for the reply and encouragement. I hope you can continue your success. The istick and nautilus mini are a great
combination. Well worth the investment. Folks need to realize you don't need 75-150 watts. The 20 watt and nautilus or the mini is
all a person needs to get started. And, it will do them well for a very long time.

Dawn did a "cash deal" for me on mine. The istick, mini tank, a bottle of juice and a five pack of coils for $89 out the door.
She even threw in a drip tip because she had heard me say I didn't care for the stainless one on the tank.
I was spending 50 a week on cigs, it pays for itself very quickly. I am sure I could have saved some on that deal online.
The service I received more than compensated for it.

I started to order a kanger subtank for the Joytech VTC mini I have. I saw that hers is only 7 bucks more.
I will go there in the morning and buy hers. Then sit at the big dining room table in her shop and get it set up and working.
And break it in there with her and the other customers who I know will be stopping in to sit, vape and visit.

It is a cool little shop off the corner of the court house of the county seat. A town of about 2300 folks, many of us
breathing better now due to Dawn's efforts.
Here is a photo of it.
I swirled the name of the shop in order to not violate any forum rules.
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Brushy Bill

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cigalikes was an iTaste 134 mini,

I am pretty sure I tried one of those about 6 years ago. With extra batteries and accessories had
about 100 bucks in it. It was worthless to me. I am so happy to get to try with the stuff I have now.

Thanks for the reply and best of luck to you.


Silver Contributor
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Yes Becky, she took the time, and was determined. I have seen many come into her shop who she has helped just like me. She has
many times gone to our state house to talk to representatives on our behalf.
Thank you Becky for the reply and encouragement. I hope you can continue your success. The istick and nautilus mini are a great
combination. Well worth the investment. Folks need to realize you don't need 75-150 watts. The 20 watt and nautilus or the mini is
all a person needs to get started. And, it will do them well for a very long time.

Dawn did a "cash deal" for me on mine. The istick, mini tank, a bottle of juice and a five pack of coils for $89 out the door.
She even threw in a drip tip because she had heard me say I didn't care for the stainless one on the tank.
I was spending 50 a week on cigs, it pays for itself very quickly. I am sure I could have saved some on that deal online.
The service I received more than compensated for it.

I started to order a kanger subtank for the Joytech VTC mini I have. I saw that hers is only 12 bucks more.
I will go there in the morning and buy hers. Then sit at the big dining room table in her shop and get it set up and working.
And break it in there with her and the other customers who I know will be stopping in to sit, vape and visit.

It is a cool little shop off the corner of the court house of the county seat. A town of about 2300 folks, many of us
breathing better now due to Dawn's efforts.
Here is a photo of it.
I swirled the name of the shop in order to not violate any forum rules.
Thanks for the well wishes, Bill. It seems as if Dawn has great business sense as well as compassion for fellow vapors. Look at the positive reviews she gets from her customers as well as the willingness to pay more just to shop at her store. Why oh why don't others see the sense in this? I've been in vape shops that I'll never, ever step foot in again just because of the cold nature and indifference of the employees. You are very lucky indeed!


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I am pretty sure I tried one of those about 6 years ago. With extra batteries and accessories had
about 100 bucks in it. It was worthless to me. I am so happy to get to try with the stuff I have now.

Thanks for the reply and best of luck to you.
Yeah, someone just had them on clearance for $9.95 this week (since sold out). LOL I still think it's a striking piece. I still use it, because I don't have high vape requirements.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I think you could be a writer, great story!
Welcome! I'm new here too.
Have COPD as well. I had the money for a carton of cigs or I could buy a vape. Not both, so I had to quit smoking that day. Thought I can go two weeks till I get paid again. If I need to buy cigs I'll wait till then. I enjoy vaping more than I ever did smoking. It's been 4 mo.
First I noticed was the sense of smell coming back.
Went for a walk, was not out of breath climbing hills.
Good luck, it's fun chasing the perfect vape

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