Hello I am new to vaping and decided to pick up a battery and tank and I had gotten a bad burn taste out of my first coil after a few days which is strange because I followed the instructions of the store as well as a few videos on refilling my juice. So I said whatever I have a second one so I cleaned the coil with warm water and put it to air dry. I popped in my second coil and everything was fine until I refilled with Ronin banzai juice (the same juice that got me the burnt taste before) and I got a burnt taste again. Is there something with the juice and the coil causing this issue? Because I vape with my father's sub box mini no problem with that flavor. Should I go back to the shop (haven't owned it for a full week yet) and maybe swap it out for another or should I abandon the tank completely and go for a different brand. Or is there just something I'm doing wrong on my end that could be fixed with a little work? Thanks.