So I've decided to make the jump to a box mod and want to hear everyone's opinions on what they like. My only requirement is that I want a 50w mod. Please share with me your ideas!
I'll also share my preferences so maybe it will refine my options.
-I usually vape between .4-.6 ohms
-I don't know if I'm defined as a cloud chaser but the bigger the cloud the better
-size doesn't matter
Since your vaping that low i would get a Kato mechanical box mod , regulated box mods don't utilize their abilities until you go with higher ohm builds.
I've heard nothing but good things about the IPV-2. Tried one out that I guy I know has and it seems pretty solid. The touch sensor button is a little gimmicky. But it does have a regular clicker too.
I have had my eye on the ipv2 it's the 50w mod that's grabbed my attention the most, my buddy just got one so I got to play around with it and I was impressed