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Need help with build (tastes like ass & cant figure out why)

so i have a 4nine with a plume veil and a imr 18650 which im pretty sure is a good battery @ 30a. so here my current build.

thats 11 wraps sitting at .5 ohm so im guessing the dude at the store gave me 24 gauge
i want a 50/50 cloud/flavor
so my first build the guy at the shop gave me was like 5/6 wrap on 24 gauge and was around .3 probably.
it was a good build great taste good clouds but then this off taste started happening and now i cant get rid of it. I dont know how to explain the taste its just off no where near what it was maybe almost burnt popcorn? ive done a deep clean and have gotten my rebuild done at the shop and still same taste (same build that was producing great flavor), i did my own build then same taste (5/6 24g .3 ohm). so i thought maybe a cooler build so i went with the 11 wrap @ .5 still have that same damn taste and no clouds (current build blows).
I dont know what todo to get the taste back to where it was.
what is tarnishing the flavor?
i have organic cotton
my juice tates fine when my buddy drips it on his vape
i dont know what todo and im tired of doing a rebuild just to have that same shit taste.
any help appreciated and thx if you actually read my post!


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Wierd. I recommend checking that you aren't melting any of the plastic pieces (such as the positive post insulator).


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I have on half assed idea.

Do you have a case of vapers tongue?

How much liquid have you been drinking?

Sorry, beer does not count.

If you are not properly hydrated, just about anything is going to taste like shit or not at all!


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Yeah. Might not help but a couple of days ago my juice started tasting bad. Soapy. In my tank on factory coils. Changed juice. Changed coils. Several times. Turned out I now have a cold. It's a very minor cold and I hardly noticed but it made all my juices taste bad.
i dont think it is my juice or my tounge but ill give both a shot. I dont really know what else it could be.
thanks for the input guys.

Jimi D

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Check for hot spots. Also make sure the coil legs to the RDA are very tight.
legs are tight and i made sure the coils burned from inside out and both heated up evenly. I did torch the wire and i wiped it off. this has been happening over the past 3-4 builds, starting a week after the very first build on it (that first week was amazing maybe why im so obsessed with getting back to that perfect vape which i first had). maybe it is the juice or my tounge. im going to take a few days break off vaping and im going to buy some new juice and have a freshly cleaned rda and a brand new coil.

if it doesn't work even after all that probably throw my mod at bricks in frustration :)
thanks for the help guys


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Duplicate this build exactly as shown/explained:

7 wraps of 22g with offset legs to centre the coils. You can use 24g as well, just adjust your math accordingly on wraps.
When wicking, you want your wick material to be snug but not tight...and as fluffy as possible. You will notice that I offset the legs so that the coils are centered. I also prefer to set my coils high so that the airflow is 50% from the sides, and 50% from underneath.

Notice that the wick goes into the juice well but does not fill it. Also notice that it does not fill the space underneath the coil.
This is very important for both flavour and vapour want air to mix with the atomised juice as SOON as possible.

I think pre-torching wire is utter rubbish personally. Wind the wiped down wire TIGHTLY into your coil...offset the legs and install.
Then pulse briefly to set the coil somewhat..and whilst the coil is cooling....gently pinch with pliers or tweezers to fuse the coils together.
You want that blue centre with gold edges. When you pulse again you will notice proper burn pattern with absolutely no glow on the legs.
Remember...surface area = flavour...but proper and MODEST wicking = flavour and production. It also reduces leakage and premature wear on the wick. What you do NOT want, is for the juice to atomise faster than it can get to the coil. If you reach a dry hit, and the wick outside of the coils is still wet with have fucked up. Try again.
I know I pretty much repeated what was already posted....but pics can help sometimes.



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Great Tutorial Sir!

But I will still use a lighter to torch my wire before forming it into a coil. It seems just a bit easier to work with to me.


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@franciscan, i will try your method. Torching my wire is something ive always done. Never really gave it a thpught not too. Also, i will be tryn your wicking method, i dont use as much but for sure leave space under the coil. Keep u posted....


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@franciscan, i will try your method. Torching my wire is something ive always done. Never really gave it a thpught not too. Also, i will be tryn your wicking method, i dont use as much but for sure leave space under the coil. Keep u posted....
It looks like a lot, but the ends only make contact with the bottom of the drip tray. Fluffy wicks hold more and wick much faster.

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