The absolute crown jewel of my collection is my Avid Lyfe Able Competition Mod (Copper Version).
In that pic it’s paired with a copper goon...
3rd from the left with a Kennedy 24
And there it is with a Mini Buddha v2.
It’s pricey at $220 for the Copper or Brass Version, but it is a solid investment in the hardest hitting Mech I’ve used. Hell, even on the box it says it’s not intended to be used with e-juice containing nicotine because it’s classified as a competition device and is an absolute beast. Lowest voltage drop of most Mechs out there, only a hybrid design, smooth threads and decent magnets (though I upgraded mine to gold plated and thicker ones and it made it even better).
If I could only have one vaping device, regulated, non-regulated, etc...I would take my Able mod and not think twice about it.
EDIT: Oh, and if you’re thinking that it looks a little plain or not all that fancy, just remember the sleeve slides off and there are plenty of places online to get out of this world customization, whether it’s bad ass acrylic designs or etched sleeves using the same metal your mod is made of to match perfectly...2 websites just off the top of my head for examples:
You're not drinking water are you?! You realize that stuff is found in antifreeze!?!