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Need some advice on Peaches and cream


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I mixed up 15ml of the following:

Peach juicy (TFA) 12%
Bavarian cream (TFA) 5%
Sweet Cream (TFA) 5%
Cotton Candy (TFA) 1%
Marshmallow (TFA) 1%

70vg/30pg at 6mg Nicotene

Mixed and vaped

The flavor tastes good but I would like it to taste creamier. Any suggestions?


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id drop your percentages of peach & maybe lose the CC and up the marshmallow as its sweet and creamy. less is more in a lot of cases but ymmv,
id go..
juicy peach 8%
bavarian cream 5%
sweet cream 4%
marshmallow 2%

how long did you steep it for?? the creams will come much to the fore after a couple of weeks.


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I just mixed it and vaped it. Does it really take a couple of weeks for creams to get more pronounced? I am a very impatient person and I like the creamy vapes. Is it okay to force the steeping process with creams?


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Yeah I noticed a lot of HIC's recipes are shake and vapes and he uses FA flavorings. I just started DIYing and bought all TFA flavors. My next order will be FA for sure.

Thanks for the advice!


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Ahhh I see, I have definitely learned something today. I'll have to start assembling a list of flavors across manufacturers then. Thanks!


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what exactly does the coconut do to the mix that it lessens the steep time?


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IA peach????
Ill have to try that
i like a a 3:2 ration of fa white peach :FA peach

is IA peach candy like or fruity?


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I mixed up 15ml of the following:

Peach juicy (TFA) 12%
Bavarian cream (TFA) 5%
Sweet Cream (TFA) 5%
Cotton Candy (TFA) 1%
Marshmallow (TFA) 1%

70vg/30pg at 6mg Nicotene

Mixed and vaped

The flavor tastes good but I would like it to taste creamier. Any suggestions?

5% Juicy Peach
2% Sweet Cream
1% Marshmallow
1-2 drops Bavarian in 10-15ml

You will probably need to get more Creams & Vanillas to work with to get a more creamy taste.


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I am putting together a list of flavorings that I will need. Not much I can do with the flavors I have right now. I'd like to get a recipe for a cream base and then tweak it from there with other flavors like strawberry cream, peaches and cream, maple cream, caramel cream etc...


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I am putting together a list of flavorings that I will need. Not much I can do with the flavors I have right now. I'd like to get a recipe for a cream base and then tweak it from there with other flavors like strawberry cream, peaches and cream, maple cream, caramel cream etc...
I've been experimenting with Capellas Vanilla Bean Ice Cream and highly recommend it as a cream base. Or, FA Vienna @1.5-2% w/1% FA Fresh Cream with optional .5-1% FA vanilla Bourbon. Or, 2% FA fresh cream and .5% FA vanilla bourbon.


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I would say to get rid of the cotton candy as it can sometimes mute flavoring a little.

Also look into Bavarian cream, people report that it can take over in flavor flavor profile as time goes by.


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Ok, I just ordered a whole bunch of flavors so once they are delivered I'll be a mixing madman. Thanks to all!

Jimi D

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FW Peaches N' Cream is a winner. Mixed at 5% 60/40 pg vg. It tastes like peach ring candies followed by a sweet tasty cream. Gonna bump it up to 6% and steep a batch.


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I have to agree with Shark Vape, INW Peach is tasty, like biting into a fresh peach. Still have not gotten FA peach, the INW is so good on it's own I am not sure I need any others peach flavors.

I am in no way a peach lover though but this recipe has me drooling:

I had to make substitutions because I was missing some flavors so this it what I cam up with:

Peach - INW 2%
Kiwi double - TFA 2%
Vanilla Bean Ice Cream - CAP 2%
EM - TFA 0.5%

It really is one of the most realistic fruit flavored vapes I have tried.

Also agree with Shark on no need to be loyal to only one brand, no one brand does all flavors the best and you will be missing out.


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Thanks mjag.
And don't get FA peach, get FA white peach.

Also, have you tried TFA vanilla bean ice cream? Is the Capella better? I know the Capella's almost impossible to find.
I'd really like to compare them.

I have only tried TFA Vanilla Bean Gelato, the CAP is better but can have a little bit of a chemical smell at first so need a little extra steep time. I am down to half a bottle of the CAP, I sure hope all the vendors stock up soon. I hope the have the white peach in stock at the same time, now that I said it I probably jinxed my self.


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hmmmmm, flavor swap. I got a busy week but I will pm you when I know my schedule a little better. Ever try cocopilada from INW? I probably have some good stuff you haven't tried yet


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TFA Vanilla Bean is good, but I think the CAP version is better, well worth getting some.
Edit: I've since found that the TFA works better than CAP in certain things.
Now, mix your favorite Peach with some Vanilla Bean for a yummy Peach Ice Cream:D.

Trust me, it is good.
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TFA Vanilla Bean is good, but I think the CAP version is better, well worth getting some.

Now, mix your favorite Peach with some Vanilla Bean for a yummy Peach Ice Cream:D.

Trust me, it is good.
I like the way you operate. :cool:


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Sorry to get off subject, but has anyone tried CAPs new
Blueberry Jam?


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Sorry to get off subject, but has anyone tried CAPs new
Blueberry Jam?

Yes I have, I'm not really sure what to think about it yet though. I made a yogurt concoction with it but I think I used too much of the Jam, it was really perfumey and I wasn't a fan. But I'm struggling with the yogurts so I can't really base everything on that. I haven't mixed it as a stand alone yet either. So I'm obviously not much help lol


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Sorry to get off subject, but has anyone tried CAPs new
Blueberry Jam?

I know this won't help much because I haven't played with it enough. The smell of it out of the bottle is not that appealing and that's usually (for me anyway) a sign that it won't be great. I have mixed it stand alone at 7%. Shake-n-vape....not good. After exactly one because your post reminded me about it, I tried it again. Yuck...perfume. I will try it at a lower %, but I think this one is going to be a big fail.


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Yes I have, I'm not really sure what to think about it yet though. I made a yogurt concoction with it but I think I used too much of the Jam, it was really perfumey and I wasn't a fan. But I'm struggling with the yogurts so I can't really base everything on that. I haven't mixed it as a stand alone yet either. So I'm obviously not much help lol
Aaaa. Thanks. I think?:confused:


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Lol I know right... Sounds like KG and I basically have the same experience. It doesn't smell great in the bottle, it was super perfumey even after a month of steeping and I believe I used 5% in my yogurt mix which is normally a medium for me as a main flavor in mixes as far as Capellas goes.


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Lol I know right... Sounds like KG and I basically have the same experience. It doesn't smell great in the bottle, it was super perfumey even after a month of steeping and I believe I used 5% in my yogurt mix which is normally a medium for me as a main flavor in mixes as far as Capellas goes.
I'll keep it on my wish list and possibly try it when it's on sale. I don't need anymore dead inventory.


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I'll keep it on my wish list and possibly try it when it's on sale. I don't need anymore dead inventory.

I'm fairly certain it's going to be a dud for me even at lower %'s. After hitting it a couple more times just now, I don't think I even want to mess with it. You're more than welcome to it if you want it. I have a full bottle and almost full bottle of joy I need to give away also.. hate it :(


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I'm fairly certain it's going to be a dud for me even at lower %'s. After hitting it a couple more times just now, I don't think I even want to mess with it. You're more than welcome to it if you want it. I have a full bottle and almost full bottle of joy I need to give away also.. hate it :(
Thanks for the offer, but I think I'll pass. If 2 out of 2 don't like it I doubt I will. I think the three of us have pretty much the same tastes.


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Ha! You already did your part of the swap! Thanks for that shisha strawberry by the way. :) (and the half dozen other flavors you gave me I haven't had time to try yet)

But that sounds good, call me when you're ready...

And this time no flirting with random girls in the parking lot.. o_O

That was like 75% of the fun.......geez :D


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TFA Vanilla Bean is good, but I think the CAP version is better, well worth getting some.

Now, mix your favorite Peach with some Vanilla Bean for a yummy Peach Ice Cream:D.

Trust me, it is good.

Great to hear, it sure is tasty and now I am not as curious about the TFA version.

I'm seeing it in stock at Bull City... both the 13ml original bottles and the 120ml bottles

Hmmmmm, I think I am going to have to dust off the shopping list and start off 2016 with another BCV order. My New Years resolution is to only order what I really need and keep it to a couple of flavors, not a couple of dozen. I hope my resolution doesn't turn into a revolution of flavors like normal ;)


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My New Years resolution is to only order what I really need and keep it to a couple of flavors, not a couple of dozen. I hope my resolution doesn't turn into a revolution of flavors like normal ;)

I'd like to do the same. I had way too many impulse flavor purchases this year. Some I haven't even touched yet :( <--- that emoji should be a screaming crying buffoon.

EDIT: Plus I've become a flavor pusher. As soon as I saw your post about needing the VBIC, I went to find some :D


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I'd like to do the same. I had way too many impulse flavor purchases this year. Some I haven't even touched yet :( <--- that emoji should be a screaming crying buffoon.

Lol, you and me both.

I probably have somewhere in the 30+ range of flavors I haven't tried yet. Most of that is from an order I got about a month ago but then got swamped with work. I also didn't take into account how fast you can go through bottles and doing vape dishes is the worst. If someone would come out with a automatic bottle/tip washer/sanitizer they would save my vape life.


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If someone would come out with a automatic bottle/tip washer/sanitizer they would save my vape life.

I wonder if one of those baby bottle sterilizers that you put in the microwave would work well. Of course, I think you have to clean the bottles before you put them in... or maybe just a good rinse? Dunno... just crossed my mind.


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I wonder if one of those baby bottle sterilizers that you put in the microwave would work well. Of course, I think you have to clean the bottles before you put them in... or maybe just a good rinse? Dunno... just crossed my mind.

I thought about that too but never put the plan into motion. Baby bottles have bigger opening though so I was thinking it might not work.

At less than a buck a bottle for glass then I am just being a cheap ass and if it is the same mix then no need to clean again. I just ordered some 100ml plastic bottles for about 60 cents each too for friends mixes who prefer that.


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The version I made of peaches and cream:

6% FA White Peach
4% FA Vienna Cream
1.5% FA Fresh Cream


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I'm gonna have to try out a few of the mixes posted here.


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My pleasure.
And I would add... I never subscribe to brand loyalty in flavorings.
In fact, I get a lil' suspicious when I notice a mixer uses only one brand exclusively.
Peach is a good example... FA White Peach is spectacular, a Must Have for peach... nothin' else out there like it.
But I mix it only with Inawera Peach because FA Peach just doesn't tickle me the same way.

No single peach flavor works for me. FA White Peach mixed with Inawera Peach is just perfect.

What ratio do you use....if I might ask?....Thanks ! ! !


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I received CAP Peaches and Cream the other day and mixed it at 10% it is the best peach I have tried needs a little cream but is absolutely fantastic

When I was brand-new to DIY, buying flavors left and right, unhappy with nearly all, that CAP Peaches and Cream was an instant hit for me. It tasted like I expected it to; I also used 10%-ish (maybe 15), so it was a quick one to mix, too. These days I'd start with FA White Peach and do something fancier, but I'll always remember that Caps as one of my first satisfying DIYs.


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bookmarked, for when i crack my white peach! Dam you shark vape, theres another ,inw peach on my order hehe.

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