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Need someone expierenced with the Arctic tank and coils to help please.


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So I have an arctic tank and some coils. The first few weeks on the arctic were GREAT. I loved the flavor and clouds. Freaking amazing. I vape on a coolfire 4 mod at 30-35 watts usually. I know how to prime my coils and I typically let them set anywhere from 20-40 mins after priming before I use them. I always start at 20 watts and work my way up to my 35 when using a new coil. I use the .5 kanthal coils that you buy prepackaged. Ive used the exact same juice for over a month now. Its a 3mg nicotine. 60/40 blend.

So here is my question.
I put in a new coil today. I did my normal priming and breaking in routine and something just tasted off. Not really burnt. But off. I took it to the store I bought the juice from and they said oh. Thats just the taste of the cotton. Once you use it for awhile that will go away and youll be able to taste your juice better. They aslo suggested I up my max wattage to 40, so I did.

Here I am, 12 hours after putting in a new coil and im still getting that "off" taste. My juice just doesnt taste like it used to. I tried cleaning my tank and everything. So can someone please help me here? The "off" taste isn't horrible or gagging me but it is not pleasent by any means.


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Sounds like you did everything right, so it probably is a bum coil. I buy the 5 packs on ebay of the .5 coils, and usually 4 are awesome, and 1 that either tastes burnt after a week, or like you said, does not seem to have the great flavor these coils usually deliver. If the flavor isn't there, not much you can do but change it.


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See thats what I thought too. This is the third one in the pack I bought thats done this. :/ Time for a new tank? :/


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See thats what I thought too. This is the third one in the pack I bought thats done this. :/ Time for a new tank? :/
I would not give up on the V1 Arctic just yet, but it is a first generation sub tank. With the Crown and TFv4 mini costing under $20.00, upgrading is not a huge investment anymore. Of course, the 3rd gen tanks are starting to trickle out, might want to wait a month or so and see what our Chinese friends come out with next...


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yea. I can prolly tough it out for a month. if not what do you suggest be the next tank I buy? Im using the coolfire 4. goes up to 40w. fires down to .2ohms


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yea. I can prolly tough it out for a month. if not what do you suggest be the next tank I buy? Im using the coolfire 4. goes up to 40w. fires down to .2ohms
Crown or maybe the Herakles V1. Tfv4 works better with a device with a little more power. Maybe get a Joyetech VTC Mini with your new tank and you could use just about any coil in power mode or temp control you wanted. I think they are $36.00 or less now a days, just don't get the Tron or Ego One Mega tank that comes with it in the kit. Not the best coils by a long shot.


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I was thinking about the Herakles. Ive heard some great stuff about it.


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Honestly the herakles (v1, haven't tried the plus version) was a game changer for me. I had kanger subtanks and a few others that I never managed to get right, always burnt hits or leaking or something.

Got the herakles at my local shop on their recommendation and never looked back. You can't get it to dry hit if you try, I usually am around 55w and the coils are lasting a while for me. Air flow is crazy adjustable, from pretty tight to tons of air depending on what you like. And I'm finding them now for around $20.

Also just got a freemax starre and I'm really enjoying it as well, but its seeming just a bit more finicky on how you fill it etc, but performance is just as good.

Sweet vapes is generally one of the lower priced sites I use pretty often for coils etc


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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The Herakles is a great tank. I've got 2 of them in rotation. The arctic tank's did have some crappy coils out there, but they are gone mostly. The one's I have for mine are spot on with flavor.


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@Wyntreblossom damn girl you have issues LOL
Don't you have a vaping boyfriend or something? Anyways
Like what others said
Stay away from the multi Octa quadruple coils bullshit, coils are suppose to be free not constricted in one place, you will get burnt taste for sure or ur juice just doesn't taste the same, stick with a simple .5 coil macro coil head, check out the CUBIS BY JOYETECH easy fill leak free flavor all day and the coil heads are cheap



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I think most of us ran into issues when we were new. I know I did, plus with everything that's available these days, it can be overwhelming. Not to mention the fact that there have been really bad batches of coils across the vape board at one time or another. I'd rather be here and at least try to help someone so they don't get so ultra frustrated that they turn to smoking.


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It took me over a year to find a juice I didn't hate. Took even longer to find gear that worked for me and didn't frustrate me when I was having a nic fit. Don't feel bad, it can be difficult and even downright awful at first sometimes. But now I've got awesome setups and juice and it literally couldn't be easier or more enjoyable, I just had to take the long way around to get here. And having helpful advice from forums like this can make a world of difference, or confuse you with so many different opinions ;) just don't be afraid to ask anything

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