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Netflix - Hulu - TV Shows (aka What ya watchin'?)


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We had an older thread about Netflix series shows. I was going to bump that one up, but most of it was older and out of date stuff from the beginnings of VU.

We have a Movie Talk thread, which is fun, gives you ideas to look forward to, or what to avoid. So, here's the new one for all things TV, whether it's Network, Netflix, Cable/Dish... whatever.

What are you watching, what are you interested in? Have suggestions for others, need suggestions? This thread is for you!

Gonna tag a few that I know like talkin' TV and all that jazz...

@Artemis, @ClaireW, @NGAHaze

Stuff I've binged on fairly recently, OITNB, Wentworth, Daredevil, IT Crowd, Shameless, Blacklist, Heroes...


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Heroes was on network TV, several years back. I saw an episode or 2 back then, didn't have much time for much of anything. Glen and I have gotten into it a bit. Season 1 was good, but lengthy. Seasons 2 and 3 and kinda WTF? weirdness, but I wanna get through to season 4, which is the last of it.... until this September. They're bringing the show back, calling it Heroes Reborn. I guess you'd call it Sci-Fi? It's a mixture of people from different walks of life that discover they have special abilities and they're being somewhat hunted down to be controlled. Odd, weird, confusing at times, but bearing through to the end, lol. It has it's moments, cheesy, cool, interesting, then just off the wall. I talk to the TV while it's on, lol.


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Wife just fell head-over-heels for a TVLand show called "Younger" where a 40-something woman poses as a 20-something to get a media job (thankfully as a guy on the print side of things no one cares about the morbidly obese blob on the backside of a byline, and I realize that's BS)...but if you ask me television is just devil noise I have to endure while working on my next story in the kitchen as the Mrs. takes her leisure time...


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I've watched orange in the new black. I did a 3 day marathon and watched all 3 seasons. It's very good and on Netflix. I've also literally seen every horror movie on Netflix I can't wait till some new ones are added.

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I started watching 3rd rock from the sun and it's funnier than I thought it would be. I also find it funny that almost every episode title has the word dick in it.

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Wife just fell head-over-heels for a TVLand show called "Younger" where a 40-something woman poses as a 20-something to get a media job (thankfully as a guy on the print side of things no one cares about the morbidly obese blob on the backside of a byline, and I realize that's BS)...but if you ask me television is just devil noise I have to endure while working on my next story in the kitchen as the Mrs. takes her leisure time...
Another 3 hours of enduring this nonsense and it's actually not the worst-written dialogue I've been put through - though the foreshadowing could be a little more subtle than blunt force trauma to the forehead...


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I added that to my queue a while back after you mentioned it in the Late Night thread, lol. I'll have to look at that one soon!

I just added Narcos over the weekend, so I'm glad to see it getting good reviews.

@downInTn haven't seen you in a while!! Nice to have ya here.


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I feel for you I will never ever watch tv land series.
TV Land is for reruns of I Dream of Jeannie, Bewitched, Mister Ed, Hee Haw, and pretty much nothing else...or do they even do any of that anymore?


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have you seen the episode where that blond has her first sneeze ,,that was freakin hilarious

Haha yes and that episode is also called Post Nasal Dick.

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I just started watching Rick and Morty on Hulu. It's really funny, but it's REALLY weird.


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'Last Man on Earth' Very funny, very different....
also a new comedy on Hulu 'Another Period' cracks me up a lot..

No one mentioned Gotham for Drama watching....really good Batman origins story.

Also, anyone into British TV, a really great series getting tons of traction...."Orphan Black"
lead actress is an amazing talent!


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Wet Hot American Summer on Netflix....hilarious


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'Last Man on Earth' Very funny, very different....
also a new comedy on Hulu 'Another Period' cracks me up a lot..

No one mentioned Gotham for Drama watching....really good Batman origins story.

Also, anyone into British TV, a really great series getting tons of traction...."Orphan Black"
lead actress is an amazing talent!

Last man on earth is awesome and I can't wait till the next season.

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Sorry, yes, I had searched for more after your post and read they announced last season will be Spring 2016

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If you like magic I would recommend Penn & Teller: Fool us. If the magician fools Penn & Teller they get to open for Penn & teller. You can watch the episodes on Hulu.

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Just started watching this.... Thanks, first 3 episodes in a row.... Really good / different story

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I just finished it up today! I binged the first 6 episodes. Honestly, I fell asleep watching the first one, but I was REALLY tired and couldn't pay full attn. I re-watched that one, wanted to see another to get a better feeling for it and couldn't stop. When I finished it today, I went to look for season 2 and almost cried... thankfully it'll be back.

Ha! I binged the first Season! Some really good acting and characters. Oh, look there is a Season two. :)
Yay!! I really like that one. I got impatient and went scrounging through the webs and managed to watch season 3, via sidereel type links. It's also on youtube, but has some weird background and you can't maximize the screen. Really good show.

Joshua Iles

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Right now I'm watching the us version of top gear, watched the trio from the UK many times and still on occasion go and rewatch. I've tried getting in to Netflix original shows, but if after 10 minutes I can't get in to it off it goes. We have both Netflix and hulu so I have options :p


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If you know how to maneuver thru pop ups etc ProjectFreeTV has links to most every show. They are spammy. I like they have pop ups but I X out of the pop ups. P.S. They have new movies to watch as well. Just watch out for the spam and it's golden. In addition, one does not have to make a account to watch. Vodlocker or vidbull are the best linkers.

I totally forgot about this site. When I was living with my buddy we only had Internet and no cable and we used this site all the time. All the pop ups were annoying but we didn't have to pay for cable so it made up for it. Some of the ads are so tricky to X out of. A lot of the times the real X is in the middle of the ad.

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I started to, but didn't get very far. I've never been a big fan of Zombie shows. I've enjoyed a couple of movies and what I've seen of Walking Dead, though.


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(Great show)



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Currently watching Narcos.

It's subtitled so you have to read a lot but it's worth it.

My brother in law is visiting this week and he decided to put Narco on. I sat down right when we he started it. After the episode was over we realized he started it on episode 4 somehow. It probably has something to do with him being really high. Haha I guess I have to go back and start it from the beginning now.

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My brother in law is visiting this week and he decided to put Narco on. I sat down right when we he started it. After the episode was over we realized he started it on episode 4 somehow. It probably has something to do with him being really high. Haha I guess I have to go back and start it from the beginning now.

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Haha. Yeah, it's a show you have to pay attention.


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Looking forward to the man in the high castle. Philip k. Dick story produced by ridley scott. I've always liked alternate history stories. If you want alternate sites,try icelfilms dot info or the dare wall. a little more polished looking and better links than project free tv, just make sure you have adblock or similar on your browser.
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Longmire, The Shield and adult swim. Hannibal WAS amazing but NBC and Amazon are dicks :| maybe theyll pick it back up because hands down one of the most amazing written, acted and it's imagery/sets/style was fuckin bitchin'


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If it hasn't been mentioned: NARCOS

Amazing show! It's got everything you could want, women, drugs, guns, and an actual historical character that no body knows anything about unless you studied him,


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Oh crap... I think I have the wrong Shield, LOL!!
Haha, I was aroused for a second then realized you meant a different show. The Shield was an excellent cop show, Mike Chiklis, Walton Goggins and Benito Martinez in their primes but alas all good things must come to a close.


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Haha, I was aroused for a second then realized you meant a different show. The Shield was an excellent cop show, Mike Chiklis, Walton Goggins and Benito Martinez in their primes but alas all good things must come to a close.
Aw, I'm so sorry I got your hopes up. I saw it a couple of times, I like cop shows, but always have so many set up recording I don't get to half of them.

If it hasn't been mentioned: NARCOS
LOL, actually a few times so far. I have to get to this one sooner, rather than later.


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OOooh boy...let's see....Netflix

Happy Valley (used subtitles due to very thick English accent)


Dicte (again with subtitles, though Danish is pleasant on my ears for some weird reason)

Peaky Blinders (yeah, you guessed it. Subtitles required for me...)

and many, many more.



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OOooh boy...let's see....Netflix

Happy Valley (used subtitles due to very thick English accent)


Dicte (again with subtitles, though Danish is pleasant on my ears for some weird reason)

Peaky Blinders (yeah, you guessed it. Subtitles required for me...)

and many, many more.
I use them, too. For everything.


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OMG! I just finished a binge on Wentworth. The acting was amazing and I couldn't stop watching. I'm waiting for Season 4 2016. My binging will end because I have more hours at work. :(
Yay!! I'm so glad you like that one. Kinda thought you might.


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I just signed up for hulu and it blows Netflix out of the water. Much more content! So many horror movies I haven't seen :) I'm so stoked! I may cancel Netflix now!

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I just signed up for hulu and it blows Netflix out of the water. Much more content! So many horror movies I haven't seen :) I'm so stoked! I may cancel Netflix now!

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Be sure to tell us which ones you like. I love scary movies. So rare to find a decent one these days. We watched one on cable the other night, Deliver us from evil. Not bad, for today's standards.


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I watched znation (just now). It has a definite b movie flare. I'll watch it but I hope it gets better. Sense8 was good. '
If you ever get a chance and like a serial killer type series (think Dexter but smarter) The Fall
is a pretty intense show. It has the woman (Gillian Anderson) from X-files in it. It does have a few slow moments but overall it was good for a British show. Two seasons are out and Season 3 will be released in 2016.
Added! Thank you :) We seem to have pretty similar tastes.

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