Guys, RAW is one of those, how can I say this without being too blatant.. you put dry, uh, leaves, in a heating element and the, leaves, turn into 'vapor' that isn't really vapor, product producing companies. It's pretty obvious what 'DIY cigarettes' are.. (I hope this is obvious to those with less experience with 'counter culture' things in their past) I really don't think people are eager to use the miraculous properties of cotton for cigarette filters, at least not tobacco cigarette filters. I don't see how these would be ideal for vertical coils because it's a solid roll, there's no hole in the center. You'd be better off using cotton pads and rolling them into tubes, I literally think these were designed for the sole purpose of using an alternative filter system for 'cigarettes' if you catch my drift. This kind of product reallydoens'tbelonghereguys. Red flag, red flag, red flag.