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New advocacy group forms for electronic cigarettes


Under Ground Hustler
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"State health officials take a different view — they’d like to see e-cigarettes regulated like tobacco. Andrea Fenaughty with the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services said it’s the only way to know what ingredients individual e-cigarettes contain.

Fenaughty said one thing they do know is that all of them contain nicotine.

“We know there’s nicotine in e-cigarettes and that is harmful right from the get-go. And there’s some evidence coming on that once kids are using these cigarettes they are more likely later on to become smokers,” Fenaughty said.

Fenaughty said when it comes to youth the debate shouldn’t be about what kind of smoking is worse for you, she said the focus should be on not using nicotine in the first place."

Andrea Fenaughty, Ph.D.

Andrea Fenaughty, Ph.D., Deputy Section Chief, has a Ph.D. in Social Psychology from Arizona State University, and did her post-doctoral training in Alcohol and Addiction Studies at University of Alaska Anchorage. She has been an epidemiologist for the Alaska Division of Public Health since 2002, and currently serves dual roles as both the Chronic Disease Epidemiologist and the Deputy Section Chief for the Section of Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. In this capacity Dr. Fenaughty has been involved in the dissemination of chronic disease burden information to public health partners, policy makers, and the public.

All that education and too stupid and/or unwilling to admit that vaping isn't cigarretes and vaping isn't smoking.
People like this should be brought up on charges each and every time a smoker dies from smoking related disease because she told them NOT to switch to vaping.
PH.D. = Do No Harm
Do No Harm My Ass - 5150


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ECF Refugee
Just means she suckles the cock of the FDA machine.
Time to open her books up and see which side of the lobbyists pockets she is actually getting her money from..

And fuck her.


Under Ground Hustler
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Just means she suckles the cock of the FDA machine.
Time to open her books up and see which side of the lobbyists pockets she is actually getting her money from..

And fuck her.

@BigNasty went platinum on us.:)


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
For all these learned professionals... the more letters behind their names the dumber they are.

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